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Where are the Soulmate believers!?

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    Where are the Soulmate believers!?

    Awhile ago, a friend asked me why I put so much effort into finding, what I would call, my "Soulmate." He never understood why I would end relationships with people, even though things were going really well. I told him that if I wanted to be happy then I'd just marry a comedian, but that there's a difference between happiness and fulfilment. Since I can be a total dork sometimes, I referenced King Arthur and the Holy Grail (inspiration for nickname). In that tale, King Arthur would send some of the greatest Knights that ever "lived" on a quest for a golden chalice. They would continue to search endlessly throughout the land, leaving no rock unturned. In the end, almost all would die, but the person that found it (Percival) would discover it upon collapsing from exhaustion. What he had been searching for was 'within himself' this whole time. Searching for a Soulmate is beyond just searching for the person you're meant to be with, but also a path to discovering yourself.

    I've always said, I'll find her or die trying .

    Anyways, if you haven't guessed already I'm a bit of sappy romantic, an idealist, and a dork. If you're into Myer Briggs, I'm an INFP personality type and so is my girlfriend, who also uses this site. While I'm from Vancouver (Canada), she's from Michigan (USA). We've been "together" for just over a year now and just last month, ended up meeting in Vegas.

    I'll cut it there, but I'm looking forward to getting more familiar with everyone on this site. See you around~

    I guess in response to your post title, I believe in soul mates, and I am certain that I have found mine! <3


      I used to believe in soul mates very strongly but now I'm sort of weening off of that idea, I mean the whole premise sounds wonderful and enticing but the more I get to know my SO and the more I realize what an amazing person he is I can't bring myself to believe that he was put here just for me, that thinking makes me feel so narcissistic, I mean he's amazing and I can't believe that he fell in love with me but now I just think I'm extremely lucky, not that it was destined or anything.

      Met: 8.17.09
      Started Dating: 8.20.09
      First Met: 10.2.10
      Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


        i kinda believe in soulmates too, but ig it just depends on each one's concept of what it is to be and have a soulmate


          I wasn't searching out my soulmate when I met my SO. I just had an idea of what I wanted in a "life-mate." He blew whatever idea I had out of the water. He's definitely my soulmate. There's no doubt about it. He's everything I wanted and everything I never thought I needed--as corny as that sounds.

          I didn't actively believe in soulmates until I met my SO. My feelings on the subject are still fuzzy. I don't really fully believe in "soulmates" in hard and fast terms, but I know that when it's right it's right. I got it right in one try. My SO got it right after many. And I think it's possible for it to be right for you with many different people, you just happen to find one of them.
          ". . . We obviously have to come to accept it, but that doesn't stop it from gnawing at us day by day.
          The best we can do is enjoy our time together, anticipate our reunions, and remain passionate and loyal through distance." ~Mike <3


