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This is hard...

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    This is hard...

    My girlfriend is going away to college, and I have no idea how I am going to handle our relationship. I love her more than I thought I could ever love any girl, and she is the first girl I am actually scared of losing...

    Hey there, welcome to the forum. Yes being separated is hard, but if you keep up communication with each other, I'm sure you'll make it work.
    Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
    First met: June 13th 2006


      Hello and welcome! What BlueCat above me said is true You'll find lots of support on LFAD too, I hope you enjoy your time here.


        This has been my standard spiel on Reddit's LongDistance (how I found this place)

        Communication, Commitment, Compromise and Concessions


        Be sure you're both on the same page when it comes to how much you want to communicate with each other, how much time you wish to spend be it daily, every other day or whatever you're both comfortable with. Communicate openly, honestly and freely about what is bothering you if anything arises. Work out what mediums you wish to use to keep communication going, be it phone, text, Facebook, AIM, YIM, Skype, MSN, snail mail etc.


        Talk with each other as to what level of commitment you wish to place on the relationship. What boundaries you are both comfortable and where you both stand. Whether you want an exclusive relationship, an open relationship etc.


        You both need to be aware of the give and take relationships require. There are going to be times where you just can't make communication dates or send that text message etc. Sometimes studies will come in the way of travelling to see each other and you have to do your best to meet each other halfway to reach a mutually beneficial happy medium.


        This really does tie in with Compromise. Sometimes you just have to make concessions for things that occur. One of you may be particularly stressed due to study and end up a bit snappy unintentionally or there may be a family crisis where someone gets sick or dies. You need to make concessions for the relationship depending on certain outside influences.

        Expect a lot of long waits between visits and the sadness that comes when you have to part ways after a visit. Make the moments you have with each other count. Don't sweat the small stuff. Learn to let go. Love freely. Best of luck.

