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Hi all! I'm really new to LDR so here goes....

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    Hi all! I'm really new to LDR so here goes....

    I'm Chris, and I just made a decision to try and make a long distance relationship work.

    I moved to Florida from New York last October and I started using an online dating website to meet women. That's how I met Danielle. we had our first date in january. I felt the spark as soon as I met her in person and after that I was madly in love with her. We were very serious for about three months, but shes a student and has a full time job that took up most of her time, which I completely understood. We already lived 45 minutes away so we were only able to see eachother once or twice a week, then only once a week, every two weeks, and then we would only talk on the phone about once a week. Then all of a sudden I wouldn't hear from her whatsoever. No calls, no texts, no facebook, nothing. I tried to be patient for about a month then I just told her I was done, I can't have a relationship with her voicemail.

    Not too long after that I made the decision to move back home, my living situation and my job were extremely unsatisfying so I wanted to go back to where things made sense. Shortly before I was set to move she contacts me sort of explaining everything. She didn't tell me exactly what happened but just that she had a personal issue, she was in and out of the hospital for a month, unable to communicate with anyone. We are both still very much in love with eachother and I don't want to let her go. Unfortunatly she told me after it was too late, I had already sent most of my stuff back home, quit my job in Florida and gotten my job back in New York. She still wont tell me what happened and I dont want to force her. I tried to get my mother, who absolutly adores her, to convince her to move with me, but she's still in school for at least another year. I haven't even told her that I'd like to pursue an LDR, and I'm not sure how to do that.

    I know it says not to ask for answers/solutions, but if anyone has any advice or tips I'd greatly appreciate it.

    Chris D

    That is really hard Chris, I know how it is though.. I've met my boyfriend in person years ago but he has 2 years of school left and he lives in Illinois and me in Arizona.. Keep trying Chris.. you don't know what the future for you and Danielle may hold. :o)


      Thank you :-) I have actually told her that I want to pursue LDR, she seems a little aprehensive, but I think if she takes some time to think it over she might come around.


        You're very much welcome Chris.. Anything I can do to help.. Just message me :o)


          Thank you so much, I really appreciate it :-)


            I think you should just give her some time to wrap her head around being in an LDR.

            And you can always remind her of why you two fell for each other in the first place


              Originally posted by Tooki View Post
              And you can always remind her of why you two fell for each other in the first place


                Definatly, I don't want to force her, she's got enough on her plate.

