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    Hello :)

    I just signed up tonight after coming upon this site on accident doing a google search.

    I am 31 and my bf is 28 and getting ready to go to Italy for 3 years. I met him in November when he was in port where I live, he is in the Navy. When we met it was instant chemistry in every way. He is like my other half I have looked for my entire life. I never thought I would meet someone like him and he amazes me even more each day. He is the sweetest guy I have ever met and makes me happy by just thinking about him. I haven't had anyone make me feel this way....ever. How we met was unexpected too. I did not want to work that day and my best friend convinced me to go and I am glad she did. If I had not gone to work I never would have met my bf. I feel fate intervened that day as well.

    When I met him he lived only 3hrs away and he use to visit a few times a month but July 4th weekend will be the last time I see him until November. He is moving to Naples, Italy. I knew this was a possibility when I met him and I didn't care and it doesn't bother him either. We want to be together and I will visit every 3mths. I have told him I would live there but only if he asked. He has made a few comments about it himself and I would be all for it but only if he asked. We have a great relationship and I couldn't be happier. My friends and family have noticed a difference in my personality since I met him. They say I have come back to life so to speak. I still get butterflies when I am with him or talk to him. Just thinking of him makes me smile, it's sickening to my friends. I have never been like this! For the first time in my life I am truly happy and I can really thank my bf for this in many ways. He has made me see and feel so many things i never thought possible. He truly is amazing.

    I joined the site because my last relationship was also long distance, but not a good one in any way. I never should have done it, I knew it wouldn't work. He wasn't the one for me and I knew it. What I don't want to happen with my current bf is to have my fears from my ex and how he was in the relationship creep into this one. I trust my bf 100% that is not an issue, it's the lack of communication I don't want to happen. My ex use to ignore me for days and say he would call and not. He not once came to see me. I drove 9hrs once a month to see him. I finally gave up and moved on and I couldn't be happier. My bf now is great at communication. We dont talk on the phone every day but a few times a week. We text and email and use webcam. I love skype I never owned a webcam til I met him. We would chat weekly on it. We plan on it when he leaves as well.

    I also don't want people in my life putting things in my head because of what happened with my ex. I have already cut people out of my life for saying negative things. I thought it would be easier to talk to other people in the same situation, in a LDR. I can talk to my friends but they really just don't understand. Some of my friends think I am a little nuts but the majority of them love my bf so I can't complain. Personally distance isn't an issue for me. I would not let distance get in the way of love esp someone I love and care about this much. I have to say I am very lucky to have him in my life right now. He is very supportive with work and school. I can be my goofy nerdy self in front of him. He is the same way! I love everything about him. My best friend says we act like best friends who are in a relationship. I always thought that was how is should be. I never had this before and I will not let an ocean come between us

    Ok I think my senseless rambling is done. Sorry, I am not good at introductions, let alone what to really say.

    Welcome : )
    That's pretty awesome he's getting stationed in Italy (although Naples isn't too great and he's far from you). My SO is in the Army and I would love if he received OCONUS orders. If you haven't joined already you should join the military LDR group, if you look at the blue tool bar click groups (between facebook and LDR stats), there's not too much going on in there, but hopefully it will be more active soon.


      Yeah I can't wait to go in November. My dream has always been to go to Paris, France and when he got Italy he said now I have no excuse why I can't go to Paris. I am going in November for my bday to Paris for a week and then 2wks in Italy with him. I am so excited and I can't wait. I saw the Military LDR group. I have never dated anyone who was actively still in the military, it's all very new to me. It would be nice to talk to others who have to deal with their loved one being away all the time. He is wonderful with letting me know what is going on and contacting me when he can. Right now he is on a leave until he leaves in July. He is back home until then, I will be visiting 4th of July weekend and I can't wait.


        It sounds like you are extremely happy. 3 years and still have the butterflies. I've been a little over 2 years since I met my girl, and I still gush and get butterflies too. It's an awesome feeling. I too date someone in the military. She's active duty navy, but she's stationed on the west coast (California) and only hit countries as far west until they hit the middle east. It's good to meet someone else who has a military loved one. It's definitely a different experience. So welcome to the board


          Welcome! It sounds like you guys are so happy. That's awesome.
          First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14


            Welcome! Its great to know that here you won't find judging and we all understnad the distance!

