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One month in and counting...

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    One month in and counting...

    This is my first post. I have been with my SO for over two years, living together. He moved for work, right now, for one year. We do not know what will happen after that, or where he will end up (this makes planning a future impossible). I have a 10 year old, so things are more complicated. Not his son, but they get along very well. We have been apart for travel for up to a month several times, but it has never been like this. I have also been through a previous LDR (international) back before the email days (my ex of many years), so I vaguely remember how it went.
    My SO is working 80-90 hours per week and sleeping mostly. He calls daily, but is typically not having much to say, understandably. We try and video chat when our schedules meet up, but it is rare. I think I am ruining things right now, I am so sensitive to everything he says, and I tend to read into...well, as silly as it may sound, what he DOESN'T say! I have been reading the advice you post and truly appreciate it. It can be a struggle as I can't say that my SO is the most romantic or sensitive man, so doesn't typically like to "say the right things" just to say them I wish it was as easy as packing it up and moving as everyone suggests (bet none of you have heard that one, right?).
    Nice to meet you all.

    Hey! Welcome to the site (: I'm just in a new LDR that's a bit over a month old, as well! I don't have a 10 year old to complicate things, but my boyfriend is in a pretty intense PhD programme for physics so the work is about the same, even more. xD I hope things go well with you!
    "If you get hungry enough, they say, you start eating your own heart"


      Welcome to LFAD! This site has helped me in my LDR sooooo much, and I hope you find it helpful as well!!!


        Thank you! Yes, he is in residency, first year...which means this is the "easier" year Wishing you luck as well!


          Hi & welcome


            Welcome to LFAD!


              Welcome!!! (:

              "I love you and I've loved you all along and I miss you. Been far away for far too long."<3


                Thank you for the nice welcome everyone!


                  Welcome to the forum, I'm sure you'll find a lot in here that will help you out quite a bit
                  Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                    Sorry to hear youre not having the best time at the moment but i hope this forum will be able to help you


                      Thank you...this forum has been a great help and yes, we are working through isn't all me and my SO knows this...but he does have the tougher end work wise, all new world for him...for me, it's the same...but not really...cause same would involve my SO coming home every night, which he doesn't, that is the tough part for me. We had a life together, friends together, so it's a change. I do feel that this is also good for us, time to know what we miss and really, for me, understand that I can never have quite what we had (we had a lot of time together comparatively for an MD), as he has a tougher job now (residency) which will always be demanding, therefore, I can appreciate the little things a lot more, you know?

