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Kia Ora!

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    Kia Ora!

    So I discovered this forum..a bit over a week ago I think. I thought about introducing myself then thought..nah. Since I am ..well shy. hehe.
    But I may as well after all since I think I will be spending a lot of time on here in times to come.

    I am 20 years old, my girlfriend is 21, and I live in Wellington, New Zealand. I'm in my 2nd year of my bachelor of science degree in geophysics and mathematics at my local univerisity (I go to uni in my hometown so still live at home).
    I met my girlfriend through a forum on LiveJournal for this tv show we both watched on youtube (a spanish tv show).
    Ever since the first day we started typing which was september 3rd last year, we have been in contact every day. And she came to see me for 5 weeks over my summer holiday in february.
    We ended up as a couple beginning at the end of november, and I couldn't be happier! I never believed in LDR's before. But after finding my girlfriend online I just knew that we completed each other . I love her so much, in a way I never even thought I would be capable of loving another person. <3
    I am the happiest I have ever been in my life, and I am lucky to have amazing friends and family who not only accept that she lives in Germany, but also the fact that she is a woman.
    I feel really lucky, and am so happy to have found this forum to find so many other people in similar situations
    So hi everyone!
    Last edited by BoogleBee; June 19, 2010, 06:53 AM.

    Hello there! Welcome to LFAD!

    Glad to have you here!


      Hey! Welcome! I live in Auckland




          First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14


            Welcome to LFAD

            I bet Natalie will be happy to see you here


              Thanks for the welcomes!
              @MadMolly: Yeah I saw you were from NZ too! Yay!
              @Tanja: Yup she is. I love going round reading what she posts hehe.


                Welcome to LFAD!
                I live in Sweden,
                but you have no use of that haha

                I might as well warn you that i'm pretty weird
                But only when i'm happy, like right now


                  Hey thanks!
                  Ha my SO tells me often just how weird I truly am :P so I might be able to beat you on the weirdness scale there! hehe.
                  I'm guessing you are so happy because of you getting an earlier appointment yeah? yay for you!



                    I hope you have a good time around here and this awesome community.


                      Welcome : )


                        *pokes head in* ... I love you! ♥


                          Originally posted by NaNi View Post
                          *pokes head in* ... I love you! ♥
                          I love you too! <3


                            Hey there. Welcome. c:

                            I'm in Christchurch and my SO is in America.


                              Nice to see a few new zealanders on the forum!

