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    Hi, I've been lurking in the forums since August, but I've never really posted before.

    I'm from Texas, and my boyfriend lives in Seattle, Washington (about 2,400 miles away). He's 19, and I'm 22. We met in an online game (Runescape XD) about two years ago. Of course neither of us was looking for a relationship (Runescape X]), but I'm really happy I found him. I fell in love with him a bit over a year after we had met. Before I had even seen a picture of him! We've been in a relationship for about five months now, and we finally met in person two weeks ago ^^

    Welcome! Glad you decided to join the discussions! And grats on meeting You probably already know you will find a strong community that is willing to help in any way we can. Ever need help or whatever, please don't hesitate to ask us!


      Welcome to LFAD!


        Hi there, welcome. Lots of couples on this site have met through online games, so you're not alone! If you ever need anything, we're here for you!


          Hi and welcome
          In a relationship with

          Read mine & Tanja's story here!

          My Albums:
          Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
          Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
          My dog Sam ♥

