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the girl who left him back home explains

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    the girl who left him back home explains

    hello, my name is kellsie. i am n active duty member of the united states coast guard. i plan on going into public affairs. my fiance is back in our hometown, in Illinois. i am stationed in Erie, PA. We have been together for almost two years engaged about 2 months. I miss him like crazy! I thought once i was out of basic training things would be easier but honestly its almost harder. Let me explain that. At basic all of us were away from our dependents or soon to be dependents. While i am stationed here all of the guys i work with ( the other 2 females are not married one has a boyfriend she is separated from though) live wit their wives and some have children. i have to live with knowing that on our liberty hours they are home living their lives while i am sitting at Starbucks on my laptop texting and calling my SO back home. We will be getting married soon so i really can't complain all that much. The point here i guess is simple. I miss my Jake and while i love being able to call him and text him it doesn't necessarily make things any easier.
    I guess that is a quick run down of me. An questions feel free to ask. I plan on keeping up with this forum and getting as much information as possible while we are separated now and (possibly) again in the future.

    I'm new here too! Welcome!


      I'm new as well, welcome to the community Kellsie!

      Met: June 2019
      Dating: December 2019
      First Meeting: April 2020 (Coming soon!)

      "Simple as can be."
      - Florida Georgia Line -


        Also new here, haha! Welcome...And all the best to you and yours, and good luck with the wedding plans


          Welcome to LFAD! Congrats on engagement, and good luck with the wedding planning!


            Everything will get better in time! Welcome to the site

