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In Which Kai Has No Idea What He's Doing, part 16082012 of Infinity

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    In Which Kai Has No Idea What He's Doing, part 16082012 of Infinity

    I'm not so good at forums, because I often get to the discussion really late and don't want to feel like I'm spamming the OP with stuff they've already heard. But I'm trying here, because I'm so excited about knowing other people in LDRs making it work.

    The number in the title is actually the date of when my boyfriend and I made it official. 16-08-2012. His name is Toby. We're the same age, and we've got a lot of other things in common (like mental disorders). Oddly enough, that makes us get along better. It's nice to be able to have a conversation with someone who isn't itching to know about my triggers, or about what's in my pants.

    Right now, he's in Long Beach, NY. I'm in Virginia Beach, VA. It's only been a few weeks, and I already feel more secure with him than I have with anyone else.

    Anyway, I'm still trying to get to know the site, and I'm sure I'll be around frequently, because reading everyone else's stories is so inspiring.


    Um, later!

    Welcome to LFAD!


      Welcome to the forum!

