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Newbie from canada

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    Newbie from canada

    Hello everyone,
    I am totally new in Lond distance relationships and he is also my first boyfriend. I have been reading a lot of webpages to get me informed. I did how doubts before starting a LDR. I know trust is a big thing so I am hoping things will work out for both of us. I do have some doubts because I only see the virtual side of him and hearing his voice through our phone converstaions. What concerns me is not knowing how he interacts socially with others, I am unable to see all of that. How did you guys get through this first stage. Any suggestions for me?

    Welcome! I don't understand why that concerns you? Is it like a trust thing when he's around girls?


      I don't know if he's a flirt or not. He doesn't sound like it when we talk on the phone. There is just something that's bothering me. I am just afraid he's going to be different in person. I just see and know the virtual side of him so not being able to know his interpersonal skills and how he acts around people in general makes me a bit curious and doubtful.


        Trust is essential for any LDR. If he has given you no reason to doubt him then you have to trust you are the only he is going to flirt with.


          I trust him for the time being. I am looking forward for meeting him for the first time during my winter break. If you don't mind me asking you, how did you cope with a LDR? Before meeting him for the first time, did you trust him instantly?


            Welcome! I know this wasn't directed at me..but as for the trust thing...I think it is fair to say that you should prob trust him until he does something to break your isn't fair to him if you just don't trust him for no reason.


              True. You do have a point. He is my first so do you think it is a bit unsafe if we were to meet up for a first time and share the same hotel room? I have negative thoughts that he will rape me or urge for intercourse, but I am not ready for that stage yet. I want to get to know him more and I was thinking that going on a vacation together will make us bond more. My mind is going to explode because I am worrying this much.


                Welcome to LFAD!



