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Jennifer = Back!

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    Jennifer = Back!

    Hello everyone!
    I'm so happy about the new Member's Area and overjoyed to see everyone already posting and blogging! [The Blog feature will be great to really get to know other LFAD members. I'm beginning mine soon!]

    More about myself...
    I'm a college student in south Louisiana, trying to figure out what I should do in the future. Physical therapy, business, psychology, teaching? I do know who I want to be with in the future, my love, George, and if I could major in 'Love', I would. Besides going to school and being with my sweetheart, I love sports, exercising, computers, food, school supplies, and Disney movies. Plain and simple. I very rarely go out. Whenever I do, I fly across the United States to be with George. [Going out cost way to much money.] Facebook has become something that holds me from my studies, but I am striving to continue my 4.0 college GPA and my search for an upstate college grant and/or scholarship. Cool stuff, right?

    More about George and I...
    We met online and have been together since April 6, 2009. He is my boyfriend, my best friend, my love, and my other half. Enough said.

    I love the LFAD community and everyone here! If you need anything, don't be afraid to message/'visit message' me. I try my best to respond as soon as I can!

    [I love you, George.]

    Welcome! I'm psyched about the new forum as well, so many new features.


      Hi Jenny
      I hope you get George to join too! Would be a shame if only the other half of the Cutest Couple In LFAD would post!




          Jackie = Excited!


            @Tanja - He was a member on the 'old' site. He just has to 'renew' his name on this one!
            @Taija&Molly - Duude, super neat stuff here! Anyone know where to post the videos? Haha.
            @Jackie - I noticed your signature!

            Gosh, you guys rock!


              Welcome back Jenny

              Tanja's right - you 2 are super cute!
              In a relationship with

              Read mine & Tanja's story here!

              My Albums:
              Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
              Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
              My dog Sam ♥


                You two are to sweet and to cute yourselves! Thank you for the compliment!
                Everyone is a great couple here. Hell, we all work hard enough to be all considered awesome.

