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    Hey :)

    Hi everyone, I joined this just yesterday. My name is Kerry, I'm 22 and my boyfriend is Mike, 23. I live in London and he lives in Sydney, Australia. Our story is quite complicated, we met through my ex, who is Mike's best friend. We then became best friends and he had a girlfriend, so generally there was the four of us, me and my ex then broke up, and me and Mike got closer. After nearly a year or so Mike decided he wanted to be with me so he ended it with his girlfriend, who is now funnily enough in a relationship with my ex, Mike's best friend. See? Complicated :P We've had our ups and downs over all this but I'm happy to say that we're all really good friends again now and are all really happy with how things turned out.
    So me and Mike unofficially got together in September 2011, and it was then he told me he was planning to come over here to the UK on a working holiday visa so we could be together, he said that he had always planned to do this but now he had a reason to. (To quickly explain our locations, my ex and his ex are both from the UK, different parts but still, he's in Aus and I'm in London.) So in January he came over here and we started our relationship. We announced it on Facebook and told our parents.
    We had a big problem in June where he cheated on me, so I can't lie, that has had a big effect on our relationship, obviously, but I think I've come to terms with it now and have managed to forgive him. But that has taken time, I don't think that anyone can decide to forgive someone, it either happens or it doesn't. When I decided to give him another chance I did feel rushed, because I knew that if I had ended it there he would have flown back home and I'd always be wondering..would it have worked? Was it a one off mistake? Could we have been happy again? I believe I made the right decision though, as now I have forgiven him and I know he regrets what he did and he knows for certain if I get a sniff of any betrayal on that scale again he's gone, for good. So understandably all this has left an impression of him on my family and friends that isn't really a positive one, which have made things slightly awkward, but my family and friends are very supportive and while they are cautious about me trusting him, they support my decision.
    So yesterday he flew back to Australia, I found it very hard last night, as we have gone to sleep together every night for the last six months or so. I think what has made it worse is that I couldn't even speak to him, as he was on the plane. I tracked his flight online and it said it landed over an hour ago, so I'm waiting for him to text me now...isn't it funny how much we look forward to even just a text? Like from anyone wouldn't be such a big deal perhaps. But since last night even though I know he was flying it didn't stop me checking my phone every few minutes, heh.
    Anyway, we plan to see each other again in March if all goes well financially, my cousin lives in Brisbane and has his own business, so he's offered me a job and said I can stay with them rent free for however long I need, which is fantastic and I'm so grateful for. So now I just need to get my passport sorted, apply for the visa and book my plane ticket. Sounds easy right? Pft. I've found I can't apply for the passport until I get replacement birth certificates for me and my mum, because she doesn't know where hers is and mine got mixed up at a college interview somewhere and I got the photocopy back instead of the original. Then I need to get the pictures done, get it all signed and sent off. So I'll be getting all that ready over the next couple of weeks. Once I have that I'll be saving up to apply for the visa, and then its just saving for the ticket. I've found a site where I can get a one way ticket to Brisbane from London for like, £550-£600. (STA, If it helps any of you, they do discounted flights for students and for people under 26 years old) I'm planning on going over in March as I need to be here for my uni graduation in January and I'm starting a teacher training course next week that lasts til then too, and my cousin is coming over here for the England world cup qualifiers in March so it makes sense I go then. So what, six months or so, I reckon that'll be enough time to save most of what I need, luckily my birthday is in February so I've asked my relatives for money for Christmas and my birthday It helps that I have this to look forward to. I told him I don't think I could cope if I hadn't a clue when I'd see him again, but at least we have a general idea now.

    So yeah, thats our story. I miss him so much right now, but I know the time will fly by and even if it doesn't, I know he's worth waiting for. I know I can't give up on someone who makes me feel the way he does

    But yes...hello everyone! x

    Welcome to LFAD! (:

    "I love you and I've loved you all along and I miss you. Been far away for far too long."<3


      Welcome to LFAD!


        Welcome to the forum!
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          Thank you! I am so glad I found this place. Just looking through everything and knowing I'm not alone in this has really helped ease the blow of him leaving yesterday. I've been a lot better than I expected, so I'm very grateful. I think the hardest part was definitely going to sleep last night..I'm totally avoiding going to bed right now.. I think I'll just keep surfing or whatever til I crash..I'm hoping he'll wake up soon. Stupid time difference


            Welcome to LFAD!


              Welcome to LFAD!


                Welcome to LFAD!


                  Welcome Best wishes


                    Welcome to LFAD!
                    After all that we've been through, It all comes down to me and you.
                    I guess it's meant to be, Forever you and me, After all.




                        Heya, thank you all so much for your welcomes. I can't say enough how happy I am to have found this, its making what would have been an awful, tear-filled week a lot more bearable! <3

