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    Hey everyone. I have been in a ldr for almost 2 years now. I need advice though. The past month 1/2 he has been in a funk and he admits he has been in a funk. It feels like hes pulling away from me. We talk about it and even the new female coworker that he talks to all the time on facebook (when i say talk its more of they make jokes to each other on facebook) all the time and he has reassured me that he loves me and he is sorry that hes been lacking in talking to me. He is just in a funk and doesnt know exactly what is wrong or how to fix it. I love him and get sick to my stomach thinking about us not being together. What do I do.. just stick it all out? I havnt seen him in almost two months and thats also really hard for me. It would be nice to know that this is just part of LDR and its something we can get over with time. We plan on closing the gab in a year and getting married and this is the first time in 2 years that I have ever felt like im losing him. :/