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Just Another New Kid

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    Just Another New Kid

    Hey, LFAD!
    I lurked a bit on the old forum from time to time and decided that I might as well join when the new one came along.
    My name's Eric, but you can call me whatever. Me and my girlfriend are both Canadian.. But Canada's such a big country
    We met on the internet and I honestly thought I'd never fall in love with a girl I'd never met. But then things kind of happened and before long (well, it was actually about a year of knowing her) 'I love you's were exchanged and I was off to visit her! (I'm in Ontario and she's in Newfoundland)
    So, after a few months (August 10th's our I-love-you-versary) I went off on my first ever plane ride riiight after Christmas (December 28th) to visit her aaallll the way in Newfoundland. And we spent a perfect six days together. But then I had to come back and lost my luggage and all that other stuff But now it's back to the distance, which is pretty okay, I guess We can deal with it.
    One last thing, my LDR is definitely finite I'm moving to Newfoundland (at the young age of seventeen D: Moving away from my home and my mommy and everything!) to go to university there with her - that's in seven months, just in time for her birthday!

    So. Uh. TL;DR Hi!

    ... I hope that was a suitable introduction.

    P.S. Way to have a four image limit to shoot down smiley-happy people like myself D:

    Welcome to LFAD! It's always great to have more guys here.

    I'm sorry to hear about your luggage. >< I'm lucky enough to never have lost mine, but with all this traveling back and forth it I wouldn't be surprised.




        Hey there, welcome to LFAD! If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask! We're here for ya.


          Welcome! I'm from Ontario as well AND.. the last time I flew to the US over Christmas to visit my bf, they lost my luggage too!! Sigh.. the joys of travel.
          Just be glad we made it here alive
          On a spinning ball in the middle of space


            Ello and welcome to LFAD!


              Hi Eric! I really like you already!

              I love your username, it's great!

              And "I-love-you-versary" too, hehe

              I'm also a very smiley-happy person

              I even mentioned the 4 image limit too lol. It's been upped to 12 now though, happy days!

              Welcome to the forums, I hope you hang around

              PS I also lost my luggage on the way back from Finland recently too. Luckily I got it back after 13 days though. Sorry to hear about yours

              Great news about going to Uni together though, my cousin's doing the very same at the moment with a girl he met online (who he's now married!) and he's loving every minute of it
              Last edited by Andy; January 29, 2010, 03:48 PM.
              In a relationship with

              Read mine & Tanja's story here!

              My Albums:
              Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
              Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
              My dog Sam ♥

