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    Hi all

    I found this forum and registered a while ago, but have been too shy to post anything until now. My name is Stephanie and I live in Arizona, USA. My fiance (as of last night! ) lives in New Zealand. We originally met through an online gaming community back in 2000. We re-connected this year and began our relationship in 03/12. We met for the first time in 07/12 and he officially proposed last night. We are working on our fiance visa packet and planning for him to move to the States.

    I have already gotten a lot of great ideas from this community and look forward to being a part of it. Thank you!

    Welcome to LFAD!


      Welcome to LFAD!


        Welcome to the community!



          "A thousand miles seems pretty far, but they got planes and trains and cars, I'd walk to you if I had no other way"

          First visit 23/08/2012 - 05/09/2012
          Second visit scheduled May 2013
          Ended relationship August 2013


            Hello!!!!! (:
            Love knows not distance, time, or logic.

            Evan & Megan <3



              Welcome to the community! I am new as well, just joined tonight actually. My boyfriend and I have been together for around 2 months and now he is being sent out to his MOS training for the military. After that he will get stationed somewhere. All of that is going on as I am looking for another job and getting ready to go back to school for my Masters. Looking to make the long distance work and hopefully close the distance sooner rather than later. Love the ideas I have seen on this site.


                Welcome to LFAD! Congrats on your recent engagement - my SO proposed this past Monday, so I'm a new fiancee as well! (it's great fun, isn't it?)

                2016 Goal: Buy a house.
                Progress: Complete!

                2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
                Progress: Working on it.


                  welcome and congrats on the engagement!


                    Welcome! Fiance visas can be tricky, I've done some research on them myself because I was actually going to marry a good friend of mine just so he could come back to the states. Thank goodness I didn't or I wouldn't have met my SO lol but good luck to you and congrats!


                      Welcome to LFAD! Congrats on the recent engagement.


                        Welcome to LFAD!


                          Thank you all for your welcomes and congratulations. I think I am already addicted to this place.

                          Originally posted by lyonsgirl View Post
                          Welcome to LFAD! Congrats on your recent engagement - my SO proposed this past Monday, so I'm a new fiancee as well! (it's great fun, isn't it?)
                          Congratulations to you!! It is definitely fun.

                          Originally posted by ohaiclover View Post
                          Welcome! Fiance visas can be tricky, I've done some research on them myself because I was actually going to marry a good friend of mine just so he could come back to the states. Thank goodness I didn't or I wouldn't have met my SO lol but good luck to you and congrats!
                          Very tricky! We almost have everything put together, just waiting on a couple of affidavits that I asked some family members and friends to write for part of our "proof of relationship". I joke with my fiance that, as much time as we spend talking, it's pretty hard to come up with evidence of it! I can't get text records without contacting my police department, so that's out! We do have some phone records, Skype records, e-mails that we have exchanged, only one photo , etc. I am just hoping for the best! If we get denied, we'll just try try again. It has been very stressful.

                          I am glad everything worked out for the best for you in the end.


                            Welcome to LFAD!



