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    My name is Kylie, I'm 20 and I'm from Australia. My SO is 21 and from Sweden - a whole world away! Not only am I new to long distance relationships - but relationships themselves xD Been lurking for a few days now so thought I'd post a message.

    We met online a little over a month ago, through a shared passion of Harry Potter. He took the initiative and added me on Facebook. On a whim, I accepted. It's not every day I accept random friend requests, but he seemed like a cool kind of guy - crafty, full of music and a love of Harry. Our first conversation lasted some 6 hours, and let's just say we hit it off rather quickly. We shared many common interests and traits, and he was just really easy to talk to - this coming from a girl who has had about 3 male friends in her life. I'm very shy, and most guys just don't take an interest in me. Which has always been fine by me - I loved being single - no hassle or worries xD After a week of many long conversations (for we are both currently without work commitments) and a tidbit of flirting, we both admitted to liking each other. This could easily have become awkward, because neither of us knew what to do next. I wanted to wait and see what happened, for it had only been a week and I didn't want to get my hopes up too much - that said, my hopes were soaring right about now. I need not have worried. After a short silence, the flow of the conversation came back in full swing, perhaps with a bit more flare. =P

    We began talking and video calling on Skype. Just had a load of fun getting to know one another. We began asking truth questions, which would then lead to him asking me to be his girlfriend two weeks ago on the 8th of November. It's really been quite magical - fun, funny, serious, sweet moments. I know it doesn't seem like very long, but we have talked every day, for many many hours despite the 9 hour difference in timezones. I couldn't ask for anything more in a guy. I love him so much. Obviously the distance is going to be a major hurdle, and it may be 1 or 2 years (though hopefully not much more than that!) before we meet, but I look forward to the journey. In a way, I feel the distance will be easier for me - I had a best friend and pen pal when I was 11-16 who I waited 5 years to meet. That and having never been in a relationship before; never had that touch of someone or that first kiss, I'm willing to wait and savor the moment. That said, it's amazing how much you suddenly yearn and long for something you've never had, when the perfect person comes along who fits the missing puzzle piece. <3

    My SO is here as well, so he will probably come and say hi Looking forward to joining in the community! It's a wonderful little group you have set up here, and love the list of 100 activities!

    "My arms will be your prison" - My Boyfriend [♥] Our LDR Blog!

    Started Talking - October 2012
    Started Dating - 08.11.12
    First Meeting - 08.12.13 - 39 days together
    Second Meeting - 16.12.15 - 31 days together

    Rosetta Stone Progress
    22 / 60

    Hi Kylie. Welcome to LFAD.



      First met: Jan 2013
      Started dating: 3/13/13


        Hi Kylie, Welcome to LFAD and good luck with your new relationship!


          Welcome! I really liked the list too when I first came here, its what piked my interest. Good luck with your lovely relationship. And first or 100th, waiting for that first kiss is always worth it =3.




              Welcome to LFAD! You have a super sweet story and I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, which really made it easier for me at least


                hello and welcome to LFAD, I hope you enjoy it here =D

                Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


                  Hello Kylie!

                  Yeah, this is Johan, her SO. I have hereby verified everything she said. I may writ my own side of the story if I feel like it soon. In the meantime, HELLO EVERYBODY!!!

