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Short to Long Distance

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    Short to Long Distance


    I'm Charlotte, I'm 21-years-old, and I've been with my boyfriend, Iain, for almost two and a half years. He's currently completing a master's degree in Chemical Engineering at the university where we first met but I've graduated and found a job 60 miles away as a trainee librarian. We are very fortunate as the distance between us isn't very large but, as we're reliant on public transport, it will take about two and a half hours door-to-door to visit each other. When he is at home during the university vacations we'll be about 175 miles apart. We're used to being long distance for a couple of months at a time during university vacations but this is the first time we'll be long distance for an extended period. I am hoping to start a master's degree next year and, ideally, I'll do that near where Iain finds a job or PhD opportunity; we anticipate being long distance for either one or two years. We're planning to see each other quite regularly -- about twice a month -- but I'm finding it very strange going from seeing him everyday to once a fortnight. In the past we have always coped very well as we were able to console ourselves with the promise of seeing each other every day once term began but, obviously, things have changed a bit now.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you and learn how to avoid some of the pitfalls of being in a long distance relationship.

    Welcome to LFAD! You're lucky to have known your SO in person, though I think that makes it harder when it becomes long distance because you know what you're missing.


      First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14


        Welcome. My story is a bit similar, as me and mine were dating for a few months before he landed the job that took him over seas. The transition can be hard, but if I can do it, ANYONE with enough love in the relationship can do it too. If you ever need anything, ask here. You will find tons of caring, smart, and fun people


          welcome. i understand. i was with my boyfriend almost all of last year, and now we've changed to seeing each other once a year. you'll get used to it and it'll become easier. hope this site helps you as much as us.


            Welcome : )
            My SO and I have been together for two years and have at least two more of being long distance. We've been LD pretty much from the beginning we met two weeks before he had to leave for a five week training and then we had two more weeks until he went back to school.

