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Long winded HI!

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    Long winded HI!

    Hi all

    Newb here. Not exactly sure where my relationship stands right now and not currently doing the LDR thing BUT the first part of our relationship was an LDR and if we continue - we will be doing it 7,000 miles between us come June.

    I reconnected with a kid I new in middle school and high-school on FaceBook last February. It started innocently enough, chats online here and there and quickly progressed to talking and texting whenever possible. He was in the Army based out of KY when we first started talking and I was living up in NH. We stopped talking for a period over the summer and then reconnected again mid-fall. It took a little while but we fell back in place and after spending NYE and Valentine's Day (almost, that was the intent anyways) we realized we had to make some decisions about our relationship SO I packed up my life, my job (tele-commuter), and my love and moved 1200 miles to be with him in GA (where the army had relocated him) in April of this year

    Our relationship has been simply amazing. He's been patient, kind, and done nothing but help me grow (sordid past) and love me.

    That is, up until a month or so ago. He found out his tour to Korea was extended beyond a year and he is looking at at least two years. He stopped touching me, stopped kissing me, stopped doing everything that was a normal part of our lives and started avoiding being home. I don't really know anyone locally so I reached out on a couple of websites and the consensus I got was that his behavior wasn't uncommon and it was something a lot of soldier's experience before deploying or going on hardship tours.

    I tried to be strong and just let things work themselves out but it just got worse and worse. Eventually I called him out and asked him what the hell was up and there was all this back and forth about him not thinking it was fair to ask me to wait so long for him, I deserved a better life and stability and all these nice sounding reasons for his behavior. I made it clear that I understood what we was saying but that I was waiting for him and that was that. At first it seemed to be fine, I just let it go. Again, things started sliding downhill and one day I was in the city and I decided that if things didn't get better or it didn't look like it would work that I would move up there and have a fresh start.

    Long story short, we (he) decided it was better for me to just move up to the city and so I found an apartment and am moving next month. We've had fights, insane sex, open heart to hearts, and everything in between. When he is communicating openly he tells me a lot and basically at this moment nothing is certain. I love him and he loves me but two years is a long time and the only thing either of us can do is let time lead the way and see how things play out.

    I'm excited about moving to the city (currently so that I can spend the day in the fetal position on the couch) and finishing school, furthering my career, exploring myself and finding some adventures, but at the same time I'm a mess. I'm either angry, sobbing on the floor of the shower, or feeling like maybe, just maybe, there is hope for us.

    I just need to talk with people who can relate or have gone through something similar and who can support me.


    First of all, welcome to LFAD!
    I'm sorry to hear you're in such a difficult situation, but when you read more of the threads here you'll see that many of us are in similar situations. There is still hope! If you're really committed to making it work, it is certainly possible. I also think many of us can find ourselves in the 'angry or sobbing on the floor of the shower' part. Being long distance can break you up at times, I've been an emotional mess every once in a while. But there is always that point where it gets better. You just have to keep distracting yourself and time will fly by. Is there any chance of you guys visiting each other within those 2 years? That would be nice of course, as it cuts the waiting a little. Anyway, I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, we even have a special section for people with an SO in the military so there are people who will really understand what you're going through! Wish you the best of luck


      Hi! Thank you for your response.

      I've been kind of a mess the past couples days so I am sorry I am just replying. I had a good talk with my boyfriend last night and things aren't 100% but I know we both love each-other and that's a good place foundation to see where the road takes us. He should be able to get mid tour leave so I will be able to see him.

      I'm focusing on the positive and the love I feel for him.

      Wish me luck! - Best of luck to you as well

