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    Hello (:

    My name is Savana, and I've been on the site before to look around but I decided to finally introduce myself. (:
    I'm 18, and soon-to-be in a LDR. My boyfriend and I have been together since October, broke up for a short time, and have recently gotten back together. We found out recently that he is going to be moving to West Virginia (across the country from me) in June for a while (we're unsure if he's going to be staying or if he's just going to be there for a few months) and we decided to try out the long distance relationship and see how it works out. We've both been in them before and they were very unsuccessful (to the point we swore them off completely), but we want to try it out with each other and see how it works out.

    I know it's still quite a bit of time away, but time flies and I was just wondering if anyone had any tips for newly distanced couples and for couples who are getting ready to be distanced?

    Thanks for the help and I look forward to hearing from you all! (:

    Welcome to LFAD!




        Welcome to LFAD Savana!

        I don't really have any tips for a new LDR couple per se, but I believe these tips would be for any LDR couple in general.
        1. GET SKYPE or some form of video chat/instant messenger! If you don't have one already. They are life savers.
        2. Do cute little things like sending random "I love you" or "I miss you" texts
        3. Make him a little care package of things that will remind him of you that he can take with him when he moves. Maybe add a bottle of your perfume or lotion so he can have your scent when he's missing you a lot.
        4. Send simple little things via snail mail every now and then to surprise him and make him feel good and loved.
        5. Communicate and trust. If you two can lay your cards on the table (or however that saying goes) that would be fantastic. Communication and trust is the key to LDRs. I.E. if he hurt your feelings no matter how lame or serious the reason, tell him, talk about it, and work it out. Ask him to do the same with you.
        6. Have a date night set aside once a week or every two weeks where you two talk, watch a movie together, etc.
        7. Maybe make a calendar for him (and one for you too) that has important dates such as birthdays, exams, doctor's appointments, etc.

        There is a whole list of things that you can do for one another/with one another on this site. A few of those that I mentioned are on that list.

        It will be tough. There will be days that you snap each other's heads off for no reason. There will be days when you just want to burst into tears because you miss him so, but just keep in mind that everyday that passes is one more day closer to being together. It's hard, but you will have each other to get you through it.

        To read our love story, click here.

