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Hello From Texas

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    Hello From Texas

    Hi!! Just wanted to introduce myself here. My name's Ethel, I'm 21, and live in the great state of Texas. I've been seeing a great man for a little over 4 months that lives a distance away from me. I've read through a few peoples posts and found a boat load of encouragement to continue with our relationship. His name's Jason, live in New Mexico, and is 28. I personally think I've found my soul mate (^_^) in him and really do see us going the long distance if we work this out well.

    I'm rather excited and relieved that I found this forum that I could vent to or ask in case I'm frustrated or have a question. We have recently enountered our first tiff and since then we've both been trying to cope with how much we miss each other (now I see that this started after we met for the first time...we literally talked to each other as if we've been around each other forever). It's been alittle harder for him to cope and people over on his side aren't making it easier for him.

    I'm actually wondering what advice you would all have for a new LDR that I should keep in mind that we could talk about. I already have a few things I wanna talk about with him put I also don't wanna sound pushy. What are the important questions and goals we should have for each other:?

    Welcome! I don't pretend to be an expert, I'm not that far ahead of you in my LDR (7 months) but, I think the questions and goals you should start with if you're serious are "when are we seeing each other next?" and ultimutely "when/how will we end the distance?". Of course there's lots of details that go with each of those questions, but it's a place to start. Good luck and welcome to the site.
    First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14


      Welcome, it sounds like you've found your guy!



        Important questions... well, if you're just started in your LDR, as you are, I think it's important to enjoy yourself first off. Second, it's important to spend enough time to get to know one another. Date each other - spend time getting to know each other's big habits and little habits, and keep the romance and love alive. It's also important, I think, to not only spend regular time together, but to set specific meet times up.

        Treat it like you would going out with someone else, but handle the distance with care, knowing you have no chance to physically touch to make up. In the long run, it does help develop excellent communication skills, and the ability to work things out without resorting to physical making up. Which, while satisfying, won't resolve a problem's roots.

        Again, welcome.

        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

