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Hi, everyone!

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    Hi, everyone!

    Hello, LFAD community!

    I can't believe I just found this website today. I feel like this might have been one of the greatest things ever created for a LDR. It's hard feeling so lonely when one part of a couple can't be around you for most of the year, and having a community of people to support you during rough patches and celebrate with you during happy times has got to make it easier. I can't wait to learn more about this community, and I look forward to offering and receiving support and advice on LFAD!

    A little bit about me... I'm not new to the LDR community even though I am new to the LFAD community. I have been one-half of a long distance relationship for just over two years now. It started when I was in my second year of high school and by boyfriend was in his final year. He moved away for college, and I was still in school at home. Now, I'm about to move away for college in the Fall, but I'll be in a different state than he is in right now. That means we'll have to learn how to coordinate our schedules differently now because I won't necessarily be home from college when he is after I am done with high school. I love listening to music, reading, cooking, learning new things, drinking coffee, eating chocolate (<3), singing songs when no one can hear me, and dancing when no one can see me. I just recently also discovered how much I love to blog. I started a blog (Love Across States) about long-distance relationships, and though it has only been a few days, writing has been therapeutic for me and I feel so much better about the rough week I've had.

    Please tell me a little bit about yourself too! Like I said, I'm excited about this community and I look forward to discovering new things about it in the future.