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me :)

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    me :)

    jaja i've also already posted and read some stuff here, but now i found this thread and want to introduce me politely

    I'm Miriam, 16, living in Germany.
    (excuse me for my english, please...)

    I've participated in an exchange program, so i went to Mexico in August 2008. In November I met my boyfriend on a party, first we just were together for some fun, later it became more serious and in December I was truly in love
    But it took us till June 2009 to kind of live together, when he visited me in Germany and live in my home for a month.
    Now, 5 months later, we are still developing our relationship but also fight a lot, although we have improved our argumenting skills

    7 hours of time difference, him going to university till late afternoon, me having to sleep early (because school starts early) make communication really hard and this causes a lot of problems when then he has to stay a little longer somewhere or the internet breaks down or whatever.
    Talking by phone is luxury, many Mexicans just own a cellphone and as my parents aren't rich i can't call him this way, from Mexico to Germany it's even more expensive.

    Anyway, we have none of those issues Michelle and Frank mention about on the homepage, of course we have to fight a little less but we know that and the only problem is that we have to DO what we think is best, not just tell it afterwards.
    We're young.

    A major problem is that he doesn't speak any English nor German, he is poor, my family too, but in Germany I will be able to study and to live because of social services of the government (and some nice facts such as no tution fees) but he can't live here without knowing German, even if we got married he couldn't work because of the language.
    I don't want to stay in Mexico (in Germany neither) so we have kind of no idea what to do... of course we have (and had, before meeting eachother) plans, but following those we could first be together for more than 2-3 months would be possible in some 9 or 10 years.
    Sounds horrible, so we try to avoid this topic and concentrate on today, although we share plans for "later" we have no idea when we will be actually able to be together without any time limit.

    Ok, that about my relationship.

    I am a kind girl, different let's say, but nice if that's accepted.
    He is also kind, also different but with greater problems than me because of his age (he's 23).
    I am the opposite of romantic, so i'm the opposite of him.
    I am good in languages (although you might not believe that), he isn't.
    He knows a lot about art and everything you can do with art, I have no idea what he's talking about.
    He loves to cook, i love to bake. We both are horrible in the other thing.
    In Mexico everyone told me how ugly he is, and how beautiful I am. Here in Germany happens the opposite, nobody understands how some handsome guy like him wants to be with me. As I'm German I have troubles with this issue, too. As he is Mexican, he thinks their way.
    Because of our ages he's my first boyfriend, I'm his 6237674 (girl)friend. () because of, hm, you know. Not all people you go out with have to be in a relationship with you.

    Now I think it's enough, I hope to find people with similar problems here and talk about senseless issues that worry us :o

    Greetings from some cold Germany.

    Hello! Welcome to LFAD

    Haha, that was a great read! And your English is fine

    You two certainly seem like a good example of how opposites attract!

    Me and my girlfriend are a little like that too

    I hope you enjoy your time here
    In a relationship with

    Read mine & Tanja's story here!

    My Albums:
    Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
    Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
    My dog Sam ♥


      Hey there, it's so great to have you! And don't worry about your English, you're doing a great job! If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask!


        Just be glad we made it here alive
        On a spinning ball in the middle of space


          Welcome to LFAD!


            Welcome to LFAD!


              thank you all

