I'm Krystin. I've been stalking my way around these boards for a while now, trying to glean some advice or find situations similar to my own - also to have a place to express some of the confusion and insecurities I go through from time to time, once I was ready to start. I've been in an LDR coming up on one year in May, since meeting on Twitter. We were both there for the ability of expression Twitter offers after leaving relationships that were destructive and in my case, abusive. We connected, not looking for a relationship, but just someone objective to talk to. Within a month we were saying 'I love you'. As Andy Warhol says, "people should fall in love with their eyes closed." And I feel like that's what we did. It's the most loving and fulfilling relationship I've ever been in. I don't believe in soulmates, but he's as close to one I can imagine - just so happens we live in different countries. We have our ups and downs, but they're mostly ups. I suppose I can get into that as they come at me. So hi