so glad I happened upon this site! Although I have had what I thought was a LDR before.... They were always within a days drive.... This is my first cross-country relationship.... We were classmates in school & reconnected in 2009..., but took things beyond the "friend zone" with more frequent phone calls, texts, letters etc., in October of 2012. Our first more-than-friends visit was over Christmas break and was amazing! We found that not only did we have a wonderful intellectual & emotional connection but we had fantastic chemistry..... BONUS! It was the best New Year I've had in a very long time! Since then, besides our daily texts, we call each other as often as our schedule allows, send cards & letters & I have been to visit him .... As I write this, my next visit is only 17 days away.... And this time, my youngest daughter is coming with me! As someone in their 40's..... I never saw any of this coming, but am so thankful..... I just pray that we can continue on our journey together.... Regardless of the 1,733 miles in between us.
