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*Doesn't want to be a lurker* :)

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    *Doesn't want to be a lurker* :)

    Hello, I'm Raelo and as you all know I'm in an LDR as well.

    I've been in my relationship with my boyfriend since October 23rd, 2012, and I decided for our anniversary I'm going to write 365 things I love about him. It's going to be a little tough, but I think I'll manage

    I would buy him something because his birthday is actually a few weeks after our first year anniversary, but he just wants me to save my money so I can give him the "best gift possible" by going there.

    Anyways, sorry, this is in the introduction thread, not the gift thread xD

    Anyways, I met my boyfriend October 22nd, 2012, and we were talking on an anime forum in the chat. He pm'd me because I was having a bad day, and then we instantly hit it off. I've always been the type of girl that wasn't looking for love because I was scared nobody could love me, so I just looked for compliments and company. I've only had two other LDRs prior to this one and I wasn't serious about them. They lasted about 1 month or less.

    I've had a problem with severe suicidal thoughts since May 2011 and severe self-harm since August 2011. I was hospitalized many times, and I didn't have any hope at all. Sometimes I thought that I would meet "the love of my life," but I knew that no one would be able to handle me, and I hold much hatred towards myself.

    Anyways, in October I met him, and he asked me out the next day. I really liked him because he was different from the others. We may have only talked a day at that time, but I really felt the spark between him and I. Nothing serious was going to come of it, or so I thought.

    We talked everyday except for the 5 days I was hospitalized about a week after we got together. When I was gone, he messaged me on Facebook and texted me constantly, telling me either sweet things or small things about his day. He actually cared, and this was odd to me. That never happened to me before..

    So he told me he loved me about 2-3 weeks after we started dating. I was too scared to, but I ended up falling in love with him.

    I never told him that though, which I feel bad about still, but I ended up telling him that I fell in love with him and I got over that fear.

    It's funny because no matter how much I told him that I was not capable of loving someone, he still tried. He didn't leave me like the rest.

    Now I have been cut free since June 7th. I have not very many suicidal thoughts. We have not met in person yet, but we do Skype video calls literally all day everyday, and my case manager with Community Mental Health Center is helping me get a job come my birthday time. I plan to visit him next June. I live in Indiana and he lives in Nova Scotia, so we're only a 23 hour drive away, and that's good because others are farther than that, so we're lucky. My mom knows about it and fully supports it since she met him and since we have been together so long. He is like my miracle, and I am so lucky to have him <3

    Welcome to the forum


      Your story makes me, once again, to firmly believe in the following saying - Love heals everything!!!! Good luck with your boyfriend and may you have a harmonious relationship!!!!
      LDR it*s such a new thing for me and I can tell you it can be a little (or more) nerve wracking! I would say that at 33 (he*s 34 yo) I should know something about love relationships, but this LDR thing is just so new to me. Not seeing him (we will meet in September for the first time), not kissing him, hugging him, just knowing that he is somewhere over there is so hard. And the communication is not as I would want it to be, because he has a stressful job and spends often extra hours there, plus I feel that he*s not much of a phone talker. We only speak every 2-3 days for 10-20 minutes. It*s very hard on me, but I must be strong because I want so much to meet him, and yes I guess, after 3 months of relationship I developed some feelings for him.



        Originally posted by Raelo View Post
        .. and I decided for our anniversary I'm going to write 365 things I love about him. It's going to be a little tough, but I think I'll manage
        Just wanted to comment on this ^

        I've made my SO a "calendar" 3 times now (first one got lost in the post... I did cry). What I did was get one of those 'daily' flip calendars that have a space to write a decent note for every day. I filled in every single day with things I love about him, LDR struggles, things I look forward to, inside jokes.. etc. I gave him the first one for Christmas 2 years ago (which got lost in the mail), the second one I made I gave to him on our Anniversary in April last year to 'replace' the one lost in the mail (365 days trying to 'redo' the one that got lost!). And the third one I had to think of a whole new set of 365 daily messages! that was a struggle . I gave him the third one last Christmas - he is still turning the pages every single day and he never looks ahead at the pages to make each days message special; he did that with the last calendar too (and never got to read the first calendar obviously)

        We are closed distance now and I wrote ALL of the msgs on there when we were long distance (almost a year ago that I started that calendar now) so it's nice to live together and still be turning the calendar together.

        I'm not sure if I'll do another calendar for this Christmas - we will have to see if I can think up that many things, AND find the alone time to do it - harder now that we live together
        Met Online: February 2009
        Feelings grew: January 2011
        First met in person: 4 April - 16 April 2011
        Officially together since: 4th of April 2011
        Second visit: 29 June - 1 August 2011
        Third visit: 28 September - 15 October 2011
        Fourth visit: 19 January - 25 February 2012
        Fifth visit: 24 March - 12 April 2012
        Sixth visit: 2 June - 7 July 2012
        Engaged: 1st of July 2012
        Seventh visit: 27 August - 23 September
        Visa lodged: 5th of November 2012
        Eighth visit: 8 December 2012 - 12 January 2013
        Visa granted: 8th of May 2013
        Hawaii: 19 May - 2 June 2013
        Closed the distance: 16th of July 2013

        Married my Englishman on the 4th of October 2013


          Welcome to LFAD.


            Welcome to LFAD and I wanted to say if you are planning on going on a road trip to meet your boyfriend, you'll need to have a passport to cross the border (it's required even for walking across the border as well as driving)

            Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.

