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A Very Late Introduction

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    A Very Late Introduction

    I've actually been on LFAD for awhile now and I do post occasionally, but even on the old boards I never got around to properly introducing myself. The new forums provide me the excellent excuse to finally get an introduction thread up.

    I'm 21 and my boyfriend is 20 but we're actually only four months apart, even though he keeps rubbing it in that I'm older than him! I'm from Singapore and my boyfriend is from the UK and we met while I was there on an exchange programme

    It's funny cos we didn't really get together until much later, after I went back home and he came to visit me and my friends for a holiday. He was my friend's housemate and we would always hang out at their place for dinner and stuff, but we never really talked much or anything, even though I did think he was cute. :o Well, we are still kicking ourselves over the fact that we only fell in love when it was too late. I mean, if we had been better friends earlier, we could have enjoyed 5 months of being close distance instead of having to carry out our entire relationship long distance!

    That said, I'm really excited and cannot wait for March when his Easter holidays begin because he'll be coming to visit! The only catch is that I'm on my internship now, which means I have to work during the weekdays. Even so, it'll be four days (weekends) of 100% time with him, and most probably lunch and dinner during the weekdays.

    Anyway LFAD rocks and everyone on it is so friendly and awesome. It makes me feel good to be part of this community!

    Hello, welcome to LFAD!

    That's too bad about leaving it so late! But better late than never
    In a relationship with

    Read mine & Tanja's story here!

    My Albums:
    Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
    Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
    My dog Sam ♥


      Hey and welcome to LFAD!




          Welcome back!


            Welcome back!!
            Just be glad we made it here alive
            On a spinning ball in the middle of space


              That's cuute. ^_^ Good luck with the relationship.
              " William's Little Love "

