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Here in Ohio as I talk with my Aussie

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    Here in Ohio as I talk with my Aussie

    I don't feel comfy 'lurking' until i introduce myself.. Where to start.. I met my SO back in the winter of 2005 in palace chat. He became part of a threesome with myself and a friend of mine. We were always hanging out then later we became co-owners of our own palace.. Him and I were online a bit more than our other co-owner and slowly became best friends. This included snail mail and phone calls. Not long after i fell in love with him. At this point I knew he didn't feel the same way, but our friendship didn't suffer.. As our lives moved forward we gradually left Palace but continued to enjoy a great friendship.

    I still loved him but didn't feel it was fair to push the issue so didn't. There is a "bit" of an age difference. This never really bothered our friendship, but in my heart i knew he needed the time and space to well grow up. I have always been here for him as he has been for me of course when we can be outside of family stuff or work. He enlisted in the Army we wrote a few times and i tried to send "goody packages" when i could. We lost contact for a while, except birthday and holiday msgs. Neither of us could just let the other go. Though on many occasions (usually when i was missing him), I'd "convince" myself that we were just friends and it didn't matter anymore..

    Last year in July we drifted back together. Started talking and camming daily again. Took all of a month or so to hit us both HARD that yes we loved each other. That was the easy part. It hasn't been an easy year. But I have never been happier and have learned so much.

    He is still in the Army for a short while, soon to get out. Once he is we can start planning and he will make the first trip and come here to the states for a few weeks.
    There is much i left out but if anyone wants the "gory details" all they need do is ask.. Thank you for such a forum. Support is great and just knowing others are going through the same or close to it helps.. *smiles* It's nice to see I'm not the only 40 something here too.
    lle mae'r galon yn arwain


    Welcome to LFAD!


      Welcome to LFAD!


        Welcome to the forums!
        Very cute story, I'm glad it worked for the two of you!


          *smiles* Thank you for the welcome. Yes its working for us, hehe for now, but we both made the choice to make it work for us until we can be together. As all of us here know its not easy, so right now just doing what we can.

          lle mae'r galon yn arwain (where the heart leads)

          You had me laughing at the "Very cute story", my SO has this thing about the word "cute" lol i told him about it he did chuckle.. Very good normally I'm the only one that gets away with using "that word" with him!
          Again ty for the welcome

          my AussiesPet
          lle mae'r galon yn arwain



            Welcome to the forum


              Welcome to the forum
              Aww sweet story, i am so happy it worked for you two
              sigpicYou had me at hello


                Welcome! Aussie guys are the best

                Met online: 1/30/11
                Met in person: 5/30/12
                Second visit: 9/12/12
                Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


                  *SMILES* aren't they just!
                  lle mae'r galon yn arwain


