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Hey from the UK

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    Hey from the UK


    Thought I'd introduce myself as I don't want to be a lurker! I've just joined and think these forums are going to be A LOT of help to me.

    Myself and the SO are both final year university students about 200 miles apart (I know not overly far for you guys in the US but still seems pretty far to me!) and it's really tough without him. We met in June 2012 and were best friends soon after but there was nothing physical between us until early 2013 so we really took our time! We've been officially dating since April this year and we've just this fortnight had to go long distance. As we're sill a fledgling couple and still in the process of falling in love I was wondering were any of you guys still at the early stages of the relationship when you went long distance or were you in an established sturdy one? Do you think it makes a difference? It's also particularly tough this week as it's his freshers week (do you guys have that in the US?) so he's out partying every night while I'm stuck at home with my family (all my friends are back at uni as well - or worse visiting their boyfriends!)



    Welcome to LFAD!


      Welcome (: We have Frosh Week (same as Freshers) here and I believe they do in the USA too. I'm not much of a people person so I never got involved in any of that. My ex did the whole thing with going out to clubs and other activities. I let him do his thing and kept myself preoccupied with reading. He would text me from time to time while he was out and that helped. The entire process was a huge adjustment, though. Since you're not that far from each other, have you thought of going to visit him for weekend?
      “The ties that binds us are sometimes impossible to explain. They connect us even after it seems like the ties should be broken. Some bonds defy distance and time and logic; Because some ties are simply… meant to be.” - Grey’s Anatomy

      >Little Box<


        Originally posted by BristolRoad View Post

        Thought I'd introduce myself as I don't want to be a lurker! I've just joined and think these forums are going to be A LOT of help to me.

        Myself and the SO are both final year university students about 200 miles apart (I know not overly far for you guys in the US but still seems pretty far to me!) and it's really tough without him. We met in June 2012 and were best friends soon after but there was nothing physical between us until early 2013 so we really took our time! We've been officially dating since April this year and we've just this fortnight had to go long distance. As we're sill a fledgling couple and still in the process of falling in love I was wondering were any of you guys still at the early stages of the relationship when you went long distance or were you in an established sturdy one? Do you think it makes a difference? It's also particularly tough this week as it's his freshers week (do you guys have that in the US?) so he's out partying every night while I'm stuck at home with my family (all my friends are back at uni as well - or worse visiting their boyfriends!)


        Welcome, BR! Nice to meet someone from the UK too! ^_^ I agree, the forums are a great help! They give you loooaaaaads of help and support, and lots of inspiration too!

        And any distance is still distance, and so it's still hard! Your story reminds me of mine and my S.O's ... we were the best of friends before we decided to risk it and become more. We started dating at the start of May, and he had to leave for University at the end of August / start of December, so I guess you could say we were also a fledgling couple! The only difference I think it makes, is that when your relationship is still relatively new, you have to do that whole getting-to-know-the-other thing virtually, rather than being able to meet with the other and go on dates to know each other! And therefore, I found that communication was really, very important, even more so than when you're both in a committed, stable relationship. And I know exactly what you mean! When you're stuck home alone, you feel so lonely!

        Anyways, good luck, hope to see you around! *hugs* ^_^


          Welcome! (:
          You used to be much more..."muchier." You've lost your muchness


            Welcome to LFAD.




                Yay another Brummie!
                Welcome to the forum
                As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance

