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Hello from France!

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    Hello from France!

    Hello everyone,

    I am almost 23 years old and I moved to France about 3 weeks ago because I have accepted an English teaching assistant position at a university in northern France. My SO and I had been close friends all through college but didn't start a relationship until about a month before we graduated. He's moved down south to be in law school and I'm here for the year. We'll see each other after Christmas, and we're trying to set up a way for him to come visit me in mid-March. If we still are working out, I will return sometime next summer.

    Now that I've settled down here our relationship is now really facing some difficult issues. I've been struggling trying to get by without him, and I've been pretty depressed lately along with self-confidence issues. I've recently discovered that sometimes we just differ too much on how to help each other. I don't necessarily need any advice, I just need comfort and support. While he supports me, comfort is not his forte. He is loving, but he can say insensitive things sometimes. I tell him that, and he gets upset, which makes me feel guilty and worse, etc.

    I have another post titled "In a Rut and Having Some Depression Issues" in the Work Abroad/International forum. All I am looking for is other people who are in the same situation I'm in to just tell me that it'll be okay and I'll make it through this. It can be easily forgotten when I'm over here and I need to be reminded by others sometimes.

    Thanks for reading my post. Take care!

    Hello and Welcome.
    I'm not in the same situation but yes I can say it will be okay.
    No matter if it's LDR or not, never forget communication..
    It is a MUST for any relationship. You'll both have your moments of saying the wrong thing.
    As long as you DO communicate and be careful not to be just as insensitive in pointing it out...
    lle mae'r galon yn arwain



      We make communication a top priority. He just doesn't have the time to do so sometimes. And I understand that.


        Welcome to LFAD!


          Welcome! I was an assistante de langue in 2005-2006 in the Southwest of France at a small lycee. We have another member who was in France a few years ago as a language assistant as well! I'm at work, so I don't have much time, but I'll try to visit your other thread soon!


            Thank you!


              You used to be much more..."muchier." You've lost your muchness


                Originally posted by Rach321 View Post
                We have another member who was in France a few years ago as a language assistant as well!
                That's me I was an assistant in the Centre in 2010/2011. That was the reason that my SO and I became long distance and the reason I found this website! Now i'm one of the weirdos that sticks around here even though we closed the distance 2+ years ago!
                I'll go visit your other thread but I did want to say that the whole comfort vs. advice problem is something that is so common in relationships. My husband does the same thing, always wants to solve the problem. So now, whenever I want to tell him a work story or a frustration or whatever, I preface the story with, "I'm just looking for comfort and support". That's been really helpful for us because it reminds him that my needs are different.

                Welcome to LFAD!


                  Thanks everyone!

                  Thankfully my SO and I have worked through the obstacle of trying to figure out how to help each other. There will still be bad moments for us, but hopefully we'll learn something from it and about each other in each occurrence. Thanks to you all, I'm feeling a lot better about all this. I certainly plan to stick around and hope one day that I can become a veteran of a successful LDR once my SO and I close the distance (that's what LFAD veteran means, right?).

                  I'm going to try to face this year with more hope and confidence, and I hope that I can make the best out of it. After all, not many people get the chance to live in Europe for a year and get paid too! I'm grateful for that.


                    Originally posted by broken.strength View Post
                    I certainly plan to stick around and hope one day that I can become a veteran of a successful LDR once my SO and I close the distance (that's what LFAD veteran means, right?).

                    I'm going to try to face this year with more hope and confidence, and I hope that I can make the best out of it. After all, not many people get the chance to live in Europe for a year and get paid too! I'm grateful for that.
                    No veterans are the members who have been here for a certain amount of time and has a certain amount of posts - so you'll see a lot of veterans around - like me and most of us are still long distance. Those who have closed the distance are the ones with the "alumni" badge. Like mllebamako above


                      Welcome to the boards


                        Oh okay I see. Well to rephrase, then, I would like to one day be an alumna as well. Thanks!


                          Welcome to LFAD


                            Welcome to the community! I have struggled with depression too. You're not alone. I hope you are doing well!

