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My introduction, from France

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    My introduction, from France

    Hello, I'm Pylothe and I will be starting my third week long distance (I hallucinated when I counted ... feels like it's been 3 months already!).

    Well, my boyfriend lives in Canada (British Columbia), so it's quite a distance for us. LDR is also a first for the both of us (and my first real relationship, to top it off).
    We met in 9th grade (I was 14 and he was 16, catching up a class). We had one class together. I wouldn't say we were friends, but we talked and I developed a crush on him (turns out he had one on me too). The semester ended, I moved away the following year to my mom's and that was that. We were "friends" on facebook but we never talked or corresponded at all.

    Except, on and off, I would think of him and look at his profile picture and, okay, I would feel a slight tinge of jealousy when I saw his relationship status with another girl, haha Now, fast forward six years later. This summer I returned to Canada to see my father and I decided, what the heck, to contact him (had been thinking of him a lot during the year, more than usual) by PM on facebook. He replied and we met (again) in July and well...the rest just ran its course from there.

    We knew from the beginning we would be in a LDR, since I have three more years of university to do before I get my Master's (it's 5 years in France). He's incredibly supportive of my studies (he himself only went to college to study carpentry) and supports me no matter what. The problem is he only has a phone which he can't download Skype on, he also can't receive text messages or phone calls because he actually doesn't have a subcription with any phone company. All he has is an app that lets him access free wifi so we can chat on facebook!!! We do our best though to chat regularly and we send each other pictures.

    Sorry for the long introduction! This site looks so awesome! His birthday is coming up this month and I've already found so many awesome craft ideas of what to send him!

    Welcome! There are loads of ideas on the forum and on the main site of ways you can stay in touch.

    My SO had a pretty antique phone when I met him. I bit the bullet and bought a smartphone for him so we could Skype and use WhatsApp. It was worth every penny!
    London girl, American cowboy. "Like a western Dirty Dancing."


      Welcome !
      Being in a LDR can be hard and make 3 weeks seem like 3 months But, if you need any advice or support, you've come to the right place.


        Thanks for the warm welcome

        lovebee: Well, I think my boyfriend does have an okay phone, actually. I mean he has a camera and can access internet. I'll have to bring up the Skype issue again. I think Skype can be downloded onto a phone, can it not? I'll have to see if it can work for him!

        milaya: No kidding!! I've been looking into plane tickets to go visit him in December. I'm about 98% sure this will happen. In theory, it's only two months and a half away - that's nothing, right! But when I see how slowly these three weeks have gone by, it feels like it'll take an eternity to get there, haha!!


          Welcome to LFAD!


            I'm from BC as well, whereabouts in BC is he from?

            It's nice to hear about other couples who have known each other for so long before dating, whether it be long distance or short distance. I've known my SO for 10 years this year and we've only been dating for 2.5. :3

            On a side note, I did an exchange to Albertville in France a couple years ago and I must say.. IT IS BEAUTIFUL IN FRANCE! Ahhh <3

            first met: ~10.03
            became official: 28.03.11
            first meeting: 08.06.12 - 24.06.12 (jason in vancouver)
            second meeting: 18.07.13 - 30.07.13 (jason in vancouver)
            our first vacation together: 30.07.13 - 20.08.13 (cynthia in new orleans)
            third meeting: 14.12.13 - 03.01.14 (cynthia in new orleans)
            fourth meeting: 21.05.14-02.06.14 (jason in vancouver)
            surprise! 13.08.14-27.08.14 (cynthia surprises jason in new orleans)
            viva las vegas: 21.12.14 - 24.12.14 (c+j vacation together in vegas!)
            jason's 1st canadian christmas: 24.12.14-02.01.15
            my first mardi gras: 12.02.15-20.02.15


              Welcome to LFAD
              lle mae'r galon yn arwain


