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Hi There

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    Hi There

    Hi Tommy here, by pure chance I met my best friend through an online game in 2007. Since then we have been talking pretty much everyday and to me our souls are connected. It's been six years now since I met her and I have never felt my love for her lessen ... I love her more and more. She instantly puts a smile on my face when she comes online and I know if I was having a bad day everything will be better because she's there. I am in the US and she is in Canada and we are about 1600 miles apart. We have never met in person and probably never will ... we are in an impossible situation where its unlikely we can ever actually really be together. Neither of us were looking for it, but we somehow seem to have found a real true connection where we can finish each others sentences and know what each other is thinking. Anyway I'm just here because I'm looking for a little support from people who know what an online relationship is like and because our online game is dying away and now we are lost with what to do together online. That truly scares me because I find it hard to even breath without talking to her and knowing she's ok.

    hehe I accidentally made my intro thread with the same name as yours, but as it turns out, i really relate to this! My SO and I met on a small game about 6 months ago, and with me being 18 in college and him being 15. It seems unlikely we can meet each other anytime soon, possibly for years. Yet it's obvious we were made for each other, so, oh well :P

    It's simply amazing that you guys have been going through this for 6 years though, wow. Lots of respect. As a mild online gamer (and I'm sure there are others on this forum that are gamers as well), my suggestions would be League of Legends, IMVU (pretty much strictly a social game though), MapleStory (I haven't tried it, but I heard it's good. plus you can get married on there!). If you're interested in a smaller game community, I used to play a small game called Ecol Tactics, which was fun. The game me and my SO met on is called Graal, but it's mostly a mobile/facebook game, and there isn't actually much gameplay. It's extremely low budget and all the content is made by players/volunteers. Lots of drama sometimes, but I've made a lot of meaningful friends so it's hard to leave, haha.

    p.s. also, cute Sword Art Online pic \o/


      Hi Tommy!!! Welcome to the forum!!! Why do you say your relationship it*s impossible???? Is anyone of you two married???? If not, I guess what you have it*s great and you must do everything to be together. It*s not everyday you find a person with whom you can connect so well. Who said that real love was easy????

      I am so surprised you never met in six years, I can*t imagine talking to somebody almost everyday for six years and never meeting ... This is my first LDR and I have met my SO after 4 months of talking online/ on the phone, but I am telling you that those months were very hard on me ... I have started to develop feelings for him (I hope he too) and we are only 5 months old in our LDR!!!


        Welcome to LFAD.
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          Welcome! ^^



