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He convinced me to join. Here's our story from my view. :)

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    He convinced me to join. Here's our story from my view. :)

    Hey there, friends. Mike (mwoodard) posted last night and introduced himself, and I thought maybe I should too. My name is Amy, I'm 24, and absolutely smitten with this man. He posted our story, and it got me to thinking all of the things that have crossed my mind since we began dating in May.
    I met Mike online. For 1, I never thought of meeting people online as a "normal" thing to do. I was recently out of a bad relationship, and my self esteem was pretty low. Honestly, I wasn't searching for anything on that site.. I had been brainstorming the idea of making new friends to obtain a new start/second chance. Until sometime in early May when I first layed eyes on Mike.
    First, a little background on me. Until this year, I was the girl that seemed to attract the losers, cheaters, and manipulators like magnets. Never allowing myself to have what I knew deep down I deserved, I kind of sank into this relentless fit of self pity. I'll admit, it was pretty pathetic. I never had a door opened for me, or allowed myself to be treated with respect. And even worse.. I was setting that kind of example for my daughter.
    So now that I put myself off to be a way bigger idiot than I probably am, (lol) I want to describe my experience with Mike, as viewed through my eyes.
    When I first layed eyes on him, I literally thought to myself, "Wow, he's good looking.. I want to know this guy." Before I knew it, we had exchanged profile views several times. It was then that I decided to break the silence. We messaged back and forth a few times, not really talking about much. I didn't get any kind of vibe at all that he was actually interested in talking to me. Then a few days later, we exchanged phone numbers. We seemed to hit it off. Flabbergasted at all we had in common, I don't think either of us believed we were staring our gender opposite equal in the face. We had talked a couple of times about getting together for a date, but again, I didn't 100% think it would happen.
    I wasn't surprised when I received a text from him (the day of our 1st date) that he wasn't going to be able to make it. I don't think I realized up until then that there was a good chance he wasn't here to stay. I don't know where I missed that little detail, but I did. Suddenly I'm sitting there contemplating crying, all while saying the old "I told you so" to myself. How could I expect anything good, right? I was stuck at work, and he was already packed and back on the highway headed to Ft. Worth. Headed Home.
    I tried to shrug it off, but I couldn't! Somehow, my mind always seemed to wander over to Mike. I hope he's okay. Why am I thinking about him so much?
    This is where everything about who I am on the inside changed, and definitely for the better!
    I suddenly got brave. I proceeded to tell him that he still owed me a first date, and if he thought distance was going to get him out of it he was wrong.
    What? Did I just say that? Me? I was the girl that always rolled her eyes at the idea of trying to make a relationship work from a distance. Am I being reckless by putting hope into this? Am I setting myself up to get hurt?
    All these questions racing through my mind, but the same thoughts came to my mind morning and night... Mike.
    Memorial Day weekend, I impulsively drove the 4 1/2 hour drive to Ft. Worth. (Well, 3 hours if you drive like I do) :-)
    We had a blast! We sat and laughed and soaked in each other's presence for 3 days straight. It was nice. It was fresh. New. Peaceful. Humbling.
    We soon visited each other again and again, and before we knew it fell in love with one another.
    YUCK, right?! Nobody really falls in love that quickly. Right?...
    I can say without a doubt with 100% confidence that I did. I knew I loved Mike from a few weeks in. And I knew almost immediately that there was no way I was going to let this perfect man out of my hands.
    I can't sit here and honestly say that things have been completely perfect. That would be a lie, because the "perfect" relationships are for the movies.
    But you see, I never wanted perfection. I wanted happiness. I wanted a strong, honest example for my children. I wanted so many things, and Mike was dropped in my lap during a time that my eyes were wide open. I'm a "new" believer in LDR's. I can't say it doesn't ever scare me. Of course it does. Isn't that the beauty of it, though? Aren't we both headed down the same triumphant path to make this work and enjoy our life together? This is so rewarding already. I have learned more about myself and other people as well than I could've ever imagined before any of this. I thank God everyday for Mike.. not only for loving my children and I, but for allowing me to love him back. One day we wont have to say goodbye. One day I wont have to drive home broken hearted from those puffed up, watery, red eyes.
    To us, It's more like, "I'll see you soon." Wont be long, and we will close the distance. Wont be long, and he will be tired of me. But you know what? We have the advantage of learning to appreciate one another on different levels. Yeah I love those eyes, the way his nose flares when he's being serious about something, and most of all, his "security cloth ball." I love every little quirk and detail about him, good and bad. But most of all, I love his heart. And I love that I was given the opportunity to finally have what I need, for the right reasons, and at the right time. He's my biggest challenge, but my greatest blessing and I thank God for this crazy-beautiful life with him in it!

    Wow babe I love your story from your view, Makes mine sound so boring........I love ya too babe


      Welcome to LFAD.
      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


        Originally posted by HesMyForever View Post
        We soon visited each other again and again, and before we knew it fell in love with one another.
        YUCK, right?! Nobody really falls in love that quickly. Right?...
        Hahaha! This made me laugh, I had exactly the same! It didn't take monts with my boyfriend, but when I realised (pretty quickly) I was in love, I thought: Eewwww!

        But join the club of newbie's, since this summer I'm also a "new" believer in LDR's! If it won't take long before you close the distance, try to enjoy each moment, because in an Ldr you actually communicate on a whole different level and (sometimes) get a stronger bond than couples who instantly see each other each day!
        I didn't make this up by the way. Somehow LFAD won't let me post the link but google "Long distance relationships Cornell University" about it



