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New member/Introduction

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    New member/Introduction

    Hi my name is Kelley. I live near Houston Texas, and my boyfriend is stationed in El Paso Texas. I just met him for the first time. I stayed with him an entire week at his house while he was working. Everyday and minute was amazing. I just came back home last night. But doesn't feel like home, home feels like El Paso since that is where he is. I drove 780 miles to see him. He sent me gas money to go and I paid the way back. Now that I have left I feel so lost with out him. I fell in love prior but just confirmed by going to see him. I wish I could get in my car and go straight back to him, I didn't want to leave but had to. I have a 9 yr old son that was waiting on me to return. I don't know when I will see him again. I believe the earliest will be is March. How do you make the time work and not hurt? I tried to tell someone I know and was told that my relationship is a joke. That there is not a relationship. That I need to come back to reality, all that we had was just sexual. Not possible to have a relationship with him being 800 miles away and in the military. I could go on forever. Hurt so bad I just wanted to slap the person, but instead I just hung up on them. Any replay to this would be so greatly appreciate. Feeling lost and in love. I miss you Dale.