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Gloria here!

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    Gloria here!

    Hello everyone,

    It's really interesting to see a forum dedicated to LDR. Curious as to why you have joined this website and if it has helped you in your long distance relationship... Holidays are coming, are you going to be spending it with your partner?

    Hello Gloria, welcome to LFAD I joined after being in LDR for about two years, because I am finishing university and getting very stressed and have just little time for my bf and I needed a place where I could share my feelings with people, who would understand. So far LFAD has been really helpful Unfortunatelly, this Christmas we are gonna be separate Btw., my bf is from Denmark as well


      Joined for the support. Being in an LDR is hard and it's nice to know I'm not alone, struggling with distance, loneliness, etc.

      When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

      True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

      When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

      1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


        Welcome to the forum I go through phases, some times I'm on here nearly every day but then I go a few months without visiting the site at all. I come back because it's nice to be able to talk to people that are going through the same thing and can relate

        *Distance isn't an obstacle when it comes to love, but rather a great reminder on just how strong true love can be*

        We're engaged 2014 - save $$, 2015 - get married, 2016 - make the big move!


          Thank you for replying, everyone... Being in an LDR is really hard. I found myself looking forward to going home every day after school just so I could Skype him and sending him photos and video clips of bits and pieces of my life in London. Not very healthy because I neglected the "now" in London. Never thought I'd be in an LDR!


            More and more seems to be dating Danish people here XD
            This is a great place to connect with people who are also going through a LDR. You might not seek advice for anything, but it's comfortable knowing that so many other people are going through similar things as you.


              I decided to join this forum because this is my first long-distance relationship.
              It has helped a lot to see so many other couples that can cope with distance, and even close the distance too. It's inspiring and gives me hope.
              I hope you enjoy it here, and find it helpful.


                milaya: Yes, I've only met and known a couple of Danish people but they are all super nice and warm, very family-oriented people too.


                  Welcome to LFAD, Gloria! ^_^

