Hello, so in case you can't tell by the title, I live in St. Louis and my girlfriend lives in Indianapolis. I don't feel comfortable using my name or hers, so I'm not going to. We have been dating for almost six months, and have been doing long distance for almost 5. I am 17 and she is almost 17 and we are juniors in High school. We usually visit every 3-5 weeks for a weekend, however this time we are actually going 8 weeks in between visits. It's gotten difficult lately, especially with our uncertainties. We don't know if we can go to college together, and have no idea what our future holds. It's scary, and I guess thats why I joined this forum, for help.
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St. Louis to indianapolis
We went on a summer trip to Israel with a youth group called NFTY (North American Federation of Temple Youth) that had kids from all over the country. We really hit it off, and after a week, we realized that we both liked each other, and she actually asked me out. In the ending days of the trip, we started talking about what we were going to do when the trip ended. I told her that I wanted to do long distance, and she said she didn't know, and needed to think about it. At the airport, she started crying and told me that she couldn't do it so we went our separate ways. She was actually staying in Israel for another week because she had a friend that moved there. Anyway, I got off the plane in JFK after a 10 hour flight, with a missed call and a voicemail saying to call her back. When I did call her she started crying and said that she made a huge mistake and that she wanted to try long distance, and we have been going at it ever since.
Welcome to LFAD. I'm new to this community but already I've found a lot of good advice here to some of the challenges I'm facing in my own LDR and it's helped. I can understand how you feel due to all the uncertainties that come with a LDR but if you both stay committed and strong everything will be alright.
Hello, welcome to forumsYou both are young and I really respect that you want to commit to LDR even though. It is tough, but possible. You are allowed to be uncertain, your relationship is still quite new. Time will show if you can make it work. The best of luck to both of you