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My name is Lissa

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    My name is Lissa

    My name is Lissa and I live in Kansas,USA and my SO lives in Plymouth,UK we have been talking since the beginning of Oct. 2013. In 89 days he is coming to visit me and my son for the first time. I've never been in a LDR before and any advice will be great. We manage with the distance but sometimes it gets hard.

    Welcome Lissa! Welcome to LFAD


      Welcome to LFAD!


        welcome Lissa


          Hello Lissa, welcome to LFAD LD often sucks, but you just have to hang in there, communicate as much as possible and keep in mind you are gonna close the distance sooner or later .... if he is the One, then all the waiting is worth it Good luck


            Welcome to LFAD I hope you have a great first visit

            *Distance isn't an obstacle when it comes to love, but rather a great reminder on just how strong true love can be*

            We're engaged 2014 - save $$, 2015 - get married, 2016 - make the big move!


              Thank you the waiting is definitely worth it for me. We have very strong feelings for each other right now and its still early in the relationship.


                Thank you everyone.


                  Welcome to LFAD.


                    Welcome Lissa!
                    We have a lot of UK/US couples, so if you ever need some specific advice concerning that, there'll be many people to help you


                      Welcome to LFAD! I hope everything works out in your relationship. As always in relationships finding ways communicating effectively, sometimes we have to bleed for each other to see each other. Virtual video calls are always a plus when on the go and always be deliberate as much as you can as you would in real life relationship. Take one step at a time

                      If you ever need anything, I am here to listen as well!

