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Hello again.

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    Hello again.

    Hello! My name is Kelsey, and my SO's name is Louis. I've been on this site for quite awhile, but, only recently trying to become more active. I wish Louis would join too, but, he's not much of a forum person!

    A little background information on our relationship. This is the short-hand story. (:

    I played an online game for quite some time, it was just a fun little thing to do in my free time. I joined around.. December, last year? Well, I met Louis on this game. We were decent friends, nothing too close. No attractions as of yet, but, then again, I was in a two year long close-range relationship. I was way too loyal to my ex-boyfriend to ever think of another boy. When things went sour with the other boy, Louis was there for me. He comforted me in a way that was friendly, yet, you could tell he felt more. Finally, one day, I told him my feelings for him. And from there, it has progressed.

    Louis lives in Holland, and I live in The United States. The distance is expansive.. but, I really, truly believe we can do this. Especially because both our parents are very supportive.

    In June, Louis is coming to America for the first time, to spend three months with me and my family. It doesn't matter if something happens to our relationship between now and then, because if so, he is still coming as a friend. (: I'm hoping for the first though. I'm very excited, and the count-down has already begun.

    It will be five months on Feb. 6th, and I'm really excited. Only four more months until he is here, in my arms. I'm also quite afraid of what it's going to be like. Seeing him at the airport. The drive home. Living with him, doing all the little things together.. like brushing our teeth, going to the store. Louis is really insecure about it, thinking I won't find him attractive or pleasing in real life. But.. I care about him, quite a lot. I don't think being 4,000 miles closer will change that. If it does? We can work around it.

    I hope to post a lot more! (:
    "Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad, because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss."

    Awww I think your story is really sweet! I'm happy that your SO is gonna visit for three months and live with your family. That sounds simply awsome. Welcome back to the fourms!


      Hey, welcome! You'll find here a great community with lots of support. Everybody here is so great. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask!


        Welcome! I'm sure you guys will have a blast together!


          In a relationship with

          Read mine & Tanja's story here!

          My Albums:
          Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
          Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
          My dog Sam ♥


            Welcome to LFAD!

            Me and my boyfriend have quite a similar distance - I'm from Finland and he lives in the US. It took us 9 months till we were finally able to meet up last summer, and we got along just as great as we did on the internet. Good luck!

