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안녕 from South Korea :)

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    안녕 from South Korea :)

    Hi everyone,
    I'm currently studying abroad in South Korea (came here in August 2013 and will be leaving some time in July), which turned my "regular" relationship into a LDR. With my SO not being a big talker, I was really scared about how this would turn out, but it's going surprisingly well. But we still miss each other like mad. We talk a lot but it's getting more and more difficult just not being able to touch him, so I thought it might help me to exchange experiences with people who are going through a similar thing. Aaaand here I am

    It is rough being away from the one you love. All of us here understand that. But distance does make the heart grow fonder.


      Welcome to the forum! Hope you'll find the advice you need in here


        Heyooo Welcomeee


          to the forum! You're all ready halfway until July and it's great that you have a firm idea on when you'll be CD again! I hope you'll like it here
          Our love story:
          Attended the same high school 2004-2007
          Dated CD: June 2009-July 2010
          Reconnected: August 2012
          Began dating LD: November 2012
          Engaged! March 2014
          Closing the distance: December 2015


            Welcome to LFAD!


              Welcome to the forum. I love your name. I'm into penguins. Do you care to share something about your name? If not, that's okay.


                Welcome to LFAD.


                  Thanks everyone I love this forum by the way, so much insight and everyone is really nice (as far a s I can tell )

                  Haha yeah the penguins. There actually is kind of a story behind this. I love penguins too nd one day I was discussing with my SO how they would be even MORE amazing if they had pouches. I mean, think about it Yeah and so I started to use something as a nickname online that is loosely translated to "bagpenguin" because in Germany we basically call animals with puches "pouch-whatever animal it is" but there is no specific word for pouch, it's just the same a s the word for bag and it's used a lot more often in the bag context. But "bagpenguin" doesn't really work in English and I didn't want to use the German one, so I had to change it a bit.
                  Does that make sense? A little difficult to explain


                    Herzlich Willkommen !
                    Your username is awesome

                    What course are you taking in South Korea ?


                      Danke :P

                      Last semester I took things like software engineering and economics. Oh and Korean, just for the fun of it And I did an internship at an information science research institute. This coming semester I will wirte my master's thesis.


                        Originally posted by BagOfPenguins View Post
                        Thanks everyone I love this forum by the way, so much insight and everyone is really nice (as far a s I can tell )

                        Haha yeah the penguins. There actually is kind of a story behind this. I love penguins too nd one day I was discussing with my SO how they would be even MORE amazing if they had pouches. I mean, think about it Yeah and so I started to use something as a nickname online that is loosely translated to "bagpenguin" because in Germany we basically call animals with puches "pouch-whatever animal it is" but there is no specific word for pouch, it's just the same a s the word for bag and it's used a lot more often in the bag context. But "bagpenguin" doesn't really work in English and I didn't want to use the German one, so I had to change it a bit.
                        Does that make sense? A little difficult to explain
                        Yes, it makes perfect sense. Thank you for sharing such an interesting story. I had to smile at the danke you used, too, because my daughter loves anything to do with Germany. She tried studying German online, but she needed a teacher. She learned a few words, so I did, too. We still use danke and Guten Morgen! German is a lovely language. Without the teacher, she switched to Spanish. I think she will always have a soft spot for German, though.


                          Yeah I find studying languages online very difficult, I have tried that a couple of times myself..
                          And the people being interested in German is something that always baffles me I mean I love languages, and it is a language so yay, but if I weren't German, it probably wouldn't be one of the languages I'd pick Also, people tell me it sounds harsh? Does it? I don't get that


                            Originally posted by BagOfPenguins View Post
                            Yeah I find studying languages online very difficult, I have tried that a couple of times myself..
                            And the people being interested in German is something that always baffles me I mean I love languages, and it is a language so yay, but if I weren't German, it probably wouldn't be one of the languages I'd pick Also, people tell me it sounds harsh? Does it? I don't get that
                            We don't think it sounds harsh. To my daughter and me, it sounds rhythmic.


                              Rhythmic? That's interesting It's fascinationg how differently people who don't speak a language hear it compared to those who do. For Example, I sometimes feel like Korean sounds like French, that's really weird

