Hi Everyone, I'm Geri!
I just stumbled upon this forum yesterday and holy moly, this is great! I should have been looking for this years ago.
A little about myself...
I met my SO in the summer of 2007 while we were stationed in Iraq. We fell in love and we were on a mission to make it work (not being married and both being active duty Navy is near impossible to do). Luckily, when we came back from Iraq we both were stationed in California just 3 hours apart.
Two months after we came home, I found out I was pregnant (totally unexpected and a bit of a shock at the time). Four months after we came home I was picked up for orders for a school in Rhode Island and left California.
We attempted to get orders together to live in Hawaii after my school was over but I would be too far along in my pregnancy to go so, I stayed in Rhode Island and he was able to secure orders to Connecticut and moved there nine months after me (he was home for our daughter's birth and first Christmas).
Two months after we finally had the same address, he deployed for 8 months. When he did come back from deployment he was always gone out to sea for missions, training, etc.
I separated from active service in October 2011 and moved back to Michigan and waited for him to finish his orders so we could move to San Diego; as a family, living day-to-day as "normal" couples do because we were supposed to be in San Diego for 3 years. Nine months into our paradise, the Navy decided to move his command to Hawaii and long story short, me and our daughter moved back to Michigan (where I'm from) and he is in Hawaii until December 2014 (at the earliest).
We figure we have 3-4 years of this because I don't want to keep moving our daughter. He is trying to get back to Connecticut so we can have a 12 hour drive and be in the same time zone (the 5 hour time difference is frustrating!).
As a couple and as a family, we ROCK this! We struggled in the beginning but now, we are so strong. He is my best friend and I am his. We both know that this life is not forever. Because he is my best friend, I can't ask him to stop doing what he loves and he feels that same about me (I'm starting my own business and he is so on-board that getting a job that pays money right now is out of the question).
Our daughter is rock solid too. She is very secure in her world and that BOTH her parents love her. She misses her dad (as I do too) but we know that we'll see him soon and that he loves us.
I hope that I can share my lessons, and insights to help others who are struggling in their LDR be successful too.
Can't wait to "see" you out on the forum
P.S. I have been in a LDR for over 6 years with a 15 month reprieve.
P.P.S. My SO has a layover in Detroit tomorrow for an hour. It'll take 12" of snow to keep us from making it to the airport! We only get an hour but it is enough for us to see each other and hug, kiss, talk, then hug, kiss again :O) Video chatting is VERY hard for our daughter so we keep video to a minimum.
I just stumbled upon this forum yesterday and holy moly, this is great! I should have been looking for this years ago.
A little about myself...
I met my SO in the summer of 2007 while we were stationed in Iraq. We fell in love and we were on a mission to make it work (not being married and both being active duty Navy is near impossible to do). Luckily, when we came back from Iraq we both were stationed in California just 3 hours apart.
Two months after we came home, I found out I was pregnant (totally unexpected and a bit of a shock at the time). Four months after we came home I was picked up for orders for a school in Rhode Island and left California.
We attempted to get orders together to live in Hawaii after my school was over but I would be too far along in my pregnancy to go so, I stayed in Rhode Island and he was able to secure orders to Connecticut and moved there nine months after me (he was home for our daughter's birth and first Christmas).
Two months after we finally had the same address, he deployed for 8 months. When he did come back from deployment he was always gone out to sea for missions, training, etc.
I separated from active service in October 2011 and moved back to Michigan and waited for him to finish his orders so we could move to San Diego; as a family, living day-to-day as "normal" couples do because we were supposed to be in San Diego for 3 years. Nine months into our paradise, the Navy decided to move his command to Hawaii and long story short, me and our daughter moved back to Michigan (where I'm from) and he is in Hawaii until December 2014 (at the earliest).
We figure we have 3-4 years of this because I don't want to keep moving our daughter. He is trying to get back to Connecticut so we can have a 12 hour drive and be in the same time zone (the 5 hour time difference is frustrating!).
As a couple and as a family, we ROCK this! We struggled in the beginning but now, we are so strong. He is my best friend and I am his. We both know that this life is not forever. Because he is my best friend, I can't ask him to stop doing what he loves and he feels that same about me (I'm starting my own business and he is so on-board that getting a job that pays money right now is out of the question).
Our daughter is rock solid too. She is very secure in her world and that BOTH her parents love her. She misses her dad (as I do too) but we know that we'll see him soon and that he loves us.
I hope that I can share my lessons, and insights to help others who are struggling in their LDR be successful too.
Can't wait to "see" you out on the forum

P.S. I have been in a LDR for over 6 years with a 15 month reprieve.
P.P.S. My SO has a layover in Detroit tomorrow for an hour. It'll take 12" of snow to keep us from making it to the airport! We only get an hour but it is enough for us to see each other and hug, kiss, talk, then hug, kiss again :O) Video chatting is VERY hard for our daughter so we keep video to a minimum.