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    Hi everyone,

    I've been in my LDR for almost a year now. We met online through mutual friends back in March '12 and remained just friends for over a year. Then in April '13, we finally decided to face the obvious and become a couple. We made tentative plans to see each other but they always fell through- then I decided to just bite the bullet and purchase my flight to go out and see him. We'll be seeing each other for the first time next month. We have talked virtually everyday since meeting each other (even just as friends). We actually do not skype - I hate using web cam and he doesn't even have one so that works out for the both of us! But we chat, text, talk on the phone and all that fun stuff.

    I'm in my mid-twenties and he's a few years younger than me so he's focusing on school while I'm working and in the process of applying to grad school. We're not really sure where we'll end up a year from now but for us, school/career/work experience comes first and then relationships. If all works out, we'll be able to close the distance in a couple of years, or sooner. Anyway, that's all I can think of for now. Hooray. Hi.

    What a sweet post. My SO and I made it without Skyping for a long time, too. A time came, though, when we were missing each other terribly and had no idea when we'd get to see each other again, so the webcam helped us get over that hump. Now, I don't know how we lived without Skyping! It opens up so many possibilities. There are many other ways to keep connected, though.

    I'm happy for you that a visit is coming soon. Hope it goes well.


      Welcome to LFAD.


        to LFAD!

        When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

        True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

        When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

        1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


          Welcome welcome! This site is wonderful when you need advice, want to celebrate something about your relationship, or just need to vent/rant! Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary, and good luck to you in your relationship!
          Ignore the Newbie status. This is a new account created by a once very active LFAD member and veteran long-distance lover. After several months away from the site, I'm back!
          Old account name: Rach92g
          This Is Us
          Became A Couple: Friday, May 25th, 2007
          Close Distance: May 2007 - June 2010
          Long Distance (Georgia to California): June 2010 - February 2015
          Long Distance (Georgia to Tennessee): February 2015 - Present
          Got Engaged: May 8, 2015
          Closing The Distance: ?


            Welcome to LFAD!


              Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! I'm super excited about my trip too, I'll be able to spend almost an entire week with him.


                to the forum! I hope your visit will go well! I'm from Texas and my SO is still there so I'm jealous you're going! If there's a Cracker Barrel where he is, GO! I love their food and it's super reasonable, we're talkin less than $10 for a good size entrée and two sides plus biscuits or cornbread!

                I hope you'll like it here and jump right in! We have some awesome people here
                Our love story:
                Attended the same high school 2004-2007
                Dated CD: June 2009-July 2010
                Reconnected: August 2012
                Began dating LD: November 2012
                Engaged! March 2014
                Closing the distance: December 2015


                  Hi there, and welcome to the forum
                  Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
                  First met: June 13th 2006


                    Originally posted by Heavenly_Love12 View Post
                    to the forum! I hope your visit will go well! I'm from Texas and my SO is still there so I'm jealous you're going! If there's a Cracker Barrel where he is, GO! I love their food and it's super reasonable, we're talkin less than $10 for a good size entrée and two sides plus biscuits or cornbread!

                    I hope you'll like it here and jump right in! We have some awesome people here
                    This is hilarious. It's so funny how we take Cracker Barrel for granted here haha. I agree, their food is wonderful! But I've never known a world without it ha.
                    Ignore the Newbie status. This is a new account created by a once very active LFAD member and veteran long-distance lover. After several months away from the site, I'm back!
                    Old account name: Rach92g
                    This Is Us
                    Became A Couple: Friday, May 25th, 2007
                    Close Distance: May 2007 - June 2010
                    Long Distance (Georgia to California): June 2010 - February 2015
                    Long Distance (Georgia to Tennessee): February 2015 - Present
                    Got Engaged: May 8, 2015
                    Closing The Distance: ?


                      Originally posted by Heavenly_Love12 View Post
                      to the forum! I hope your visit will go well! I'm from Texas and my SO is still there so I'm jealous you're going! If there's a Cracker Barrel where he is, GO! I love their food and it's super reasonable, we're talkin less than $10 for a good size entrée and two sides plus biscuits or cornbread!

                      I hope you'll like it here and jump right in! We have some awesome people here
                      It's so funny you mention that! I lived in Florida for a couple years after undergrad and absolutely fell in LOVE with Cracker Barrel. I complain to my SO all the time about how I miss the food, the atmosphere and their cute gift shop (I actually shop at their online store purely for nostalgia!) And one of the first things I did before I even booked my flight was to see if there was a Cracker Barrel nearby- closest one is 7 minutes away! I'll be in heaven.

                      EDIT: Oh, and there are absolutely no Cracker Barrels in CA. I checked...many times!
                      Last edited by Blaine; February 12, 2014, 10:42 AM.


                        Welcome to forums


                          Welcome :] let us know how the trip goes! We don't really skype much either, I borrow wifi from a neighbor so connection for that is pretty terrible unless i sit outside haha.


                            Originally posted by lilcupcake View Post
                            Welcome :] let us know how the trip goes! We don't really skype much either, I borrow wifi from a neighbor so connection for that is pretty terrible unless i sit outside haha.
                            For sure! I'm going to be taking lots of pictures during my trip. That could be interesting to be skyping outside...haha. I think I'm pretty satisfied just talking on the phone with my SO every night. And thanks for the welcome, I adore your avatar!


                              hello! thanks for sharing your story and I'm so glad to hear you're soon gonna be speding some time with your SO...that's amazing!! You're gonna have to tell us about it of luck!

