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    Hi everyone,

    I'm new here, although I have officially been in a LDR for nearly 3 years. We met in 2006 whilst I was on holiday visiting family and from then until 2010 is was a yearly holiday romance type of thing. During this time we both had other bf/gf and didn't even speak throughout the year (before the days of whatsapp etc). In 2010/2011 once I had finished college and had worked for a year saving money I decided to book a one way ticket to Spain. Things were great, but unfortunately I became ill and had to return home and go back to work. Communication between us was mainly social networking sites. He worked during the day whilst I was working in bars all night so things started to fizzle out and we often went more than a week without talking. Summer 2011 I booked another holiday - Things were great between us. Everything always seemed to fall back into place with us very quickly, but as always we both knew I had to leave. Shortly before I left he told me he had had a fling with another girl and that she had recently told him she was pregnant with twins!! This certainly made things very difficult. They weren't together, but I wasn't sure I was willing to put myself in this position. When I returned home, although will still spoke regularly things had definitely changed. Until I found out I was also pregnant ( not planned). Both of our families were understandably furious.

    Our daughter is now nearly 2 and we are officially together. The twins are 6 months older, due to being born 2 months early. Things have been far from good with the twins mother ( as can be expected). My daughter has met them on many occasions. We currently try to take it in turns to visit, but whilst he isn't working atm money is rather tight. He also has the twins every other weekend so he can't come to me for more than 13 days at a time! We would love to close the distance. This of course means me going to him, but the logistics in terms of money, working etc just doesn't work. My spanish is reasonable, but whilst even spanish people can't get a job I have no chance! All of this will become even harder once my daughter starts school and I go back to work as we will no longer be able to visit.

    Everyday I worry about the future for us and our little girl! I see no easy solution to our problem. I often sit and think and I can't believe the situation I have gotten myself into! So yeah.. this is my LDR! Far from simple, although I guess no ones is.

    Everytime I see my friends with their boyfriends and having a normal life together it really gets me down, so I'm hoping being able to speak to other people in LDR will make things a bit easier.

    Sorry for the long story and Hello

    Welcome to the forum. I see you have a very difficult situation. I lived in Ecuador for a few months so I understand your concerns about Spanish speaking and getting a job. Here is hoping you will be able to work things out before your sweet girl goes to school.




        Welcome to LFAD.


          Welcome and thanks for sharing your story. You are in a difficult situation and I hope things work out well.

