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Hi Everyone, nice to meet you!

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    Hi Everyone, nice to meet you!

    Great to find this site! What a great resource and place to turn to when the stress of being apart starts driving you crazy.

    My current LDR is new, but I've been through this all in the past (multiple times unfortunately). My current bf and I met here in LA through mutual friends after a 2 year friendship that slowly grew into something more. We've been together for about 2 years (with a bit of a break in there somewhere), and have helped support each other through some really difficult stuff. We work in the same industry, which is very quickly leaving the city - and it's been extremely stressful to both of us. I'm not sure how we would have made it through the past year if it we didn't have each other to be honest. Alas, the issues going on in our industry finally got the best of him, and he had to take a job up in SF. It's an amazing job, and I'm super happy and proud of him - but he hasn't even been gone a full week yet, and the distance is already taking a toll

    I'm crossing my fingers that just as in previous LDRs I've been in, it's just a re-adjustment period before things settle down.

    We've always been extremely strong communicators and when anything difficult has come up in our relationship we will stick through and discuss it until we've reached a resolution that works for both of us. Marathon conversations, some lasting for days - I've never been with anyone who was so willing to compromise and find solutions before even when it's difficult to do so. While we certainly are coming from different places mentally, our ability to negotiate and compromise is something I've never experienced before in any of my relationships, and super special to both of us. Given all that, I think we can make this work... but I also think we have a long ways to go. We're both very much in love with each other, and the distance is not much at all compared to what some of you all are dealing with!

    I have so many specifics I want to discuss and share, but I'll save them for another post. It's really great finding this forum, I know I'll certainly be needing a way to occupy my brain over the next several months, and having a place to read other stories and discussing our shared issues is going to be so helpful. It's really comforting to know that I'm not alone!

    Welcome, just enjoy.


      Welcome to LFAD!


        Welcome to the forum! I hope things get settled down like you hope!




            Hi! I'm new too! I absolutely love California!

