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Mid (?) Distance?

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    Mid (?) Distance?

    Hello everyone! I'm Jesse! The story... My boyfriend Ryan and I met last May at a beach in Malibu. He was visiting my friends who live about an hour away from me (and he's a few hours away from them) and they all wanted to go to the beach. My friends invited me since it's pretty close to where I live. We didn't talk much on the beach but I had recently broken up with a guy I was seeing for a few months -- not too serious, but I definitely didn't want to jump into anything. We began talking on Facebook shortly after and since June, we messaged each other every single day, throughout the day. I was going through a lot of stuff at that time, and didn't feel like I had anyone to confide in until I met Ryan. I think the fact that he was so far away made it easier for me to talk to him about personal things in my life; there was some protection there. We became great friends, but the distance made us both hesitant to do anything more. Finally, we both tried dating other people (local) and realized that was a terrible idea and that we didn't want to be with anyone else. We have been an "official" couple for almost six months and been "talking" for almost a year.

    He lives in San Luis Obispo, CA - I live in Los Angeles. He's about 3.5 hours away without any traffic. I was hesitant to post our story because I know there are people in different states, even countries, and but I am posting anyways because we have issues with distance as well. Even if we are geographically able to drive to see each other often - time may not always permit that. Our schedules conflict often, and I am going to college in LA and he's graduated already so I have homework and papers due and will have to change plans around because school is absolutely #1 for me. Thankfully my bf understands and is supportive when things get insane for me.

    I'd say the thing that bothers me the most about this distance is the idiotic things other people say! I joined this community because I think it would be a good place to laugh at it with others who understand. Whenever I tell people my boyfriend lives in another city, they always seem to have less regard for the relationship. I've heard things like, "How do you know you love each other if you can't see each other all the time?" or "That's not a real relationship." Or the worst one, "How do you not cheat on each other? Or, how do you know he's not cheating on you?" It's too bizarre not to laugh...

    Anyway, this is a long intro, but I just wanted to say hi!

    Welcome here We heard all the dismissive stuff, here you will learn good comebacks, too.
    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


      Hey Jesse!
      Welcome to the forums!
      We're all here for more or less the same reason, whether the distance is a city or a country, we all face similar problems and are here to support one another!
      Hope you enjoy your time here.


        hey there! me and my SO have been together for almost a full ten months, and people around me are just now starting to back off... so get ready for a whole bunch of stupid coming your way! lol just remember they may have the power to open their mouth, but they'll never have the power to break your bond.


          People don't seem to understand that it takes more trust and communication than a normal relationship, often making it feel more real. Oh well, haters gonna hate. Your story is really cute.


