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    Hi! Nice to meet you all.

    I'm Welp, also known as Anne, I'm a 19 year old girl from the Netherlands. I met my boyfriend online in World of Warcraft about one year ago (tomorrow exactly one year ago ) and we've been 'more than friends' for the past few months after liking each other in silence for ages. He lives in England. I know it's not THAT far away, and I'm really grateful that he doesn't live even further away, but it still really sucks at times. I miss him a lot and I can't wait for him to visit me in June. At the moment I'm not studying (I'm working for a year instead) but next year I'll study computer science which will keep me stuck in the netherlands for 4 more years, which is kinda sucky in this situation I guess but there's nothing I can change about it - studying in the UK is not an option because I can't afford it.

    I love games (I play a lot of World of Warcraft, Dota 2, Skyrim, Diablo. Installing guild wars 2 as we speak. All of these games - apart from the single player ones obviously - I play with my boyfriend). It's all I do pretty much. Apart from that I love fantasy (books, movies and games), I play the french horn, I like to read. Don't know anything else to tell about myself - my life isn't that exciting :')
    Last edited by Welp; April 22, 2014, 10:01 AM.

    Welcome to LFAD!


      Welcome fellow Dutch-person hope you ll have a nice time here


        Hello and welcome to LFAD!!

        "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
        Married April 18th, 2015!!
        Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!


          Welcome to LFAD, Anne

