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Finally an introduction...

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    Finally an introduction...

    I actually joined this site last year when I was first getting into another ldr that was on and off for a year. I liked to occasionally lurk for threads that would help but never posted.

    I recently started another ldr that is so different than the previous one what proved to be quite toxic for me. I believe I finally found someone who is good for me, makes me incredibly happy, and who actually accepts me for me. I've never been with someone who has been so good for me. Problem is I entered his life as he was just about to start his army career. He left for basic earlier this week and I have been dealing with the switch from talking to him every day, all day pretty much, to no communication whatsoever. I am supposed to be receiving his address from his family to start writing but it's just a waiting game at the moment. It's going to be a rough summer while he is away at basic. I know it's crazy to actually wait for someone after being together for only like 3 weeks but I definitely feel he is worth it. But I would like to start posting on here for some advice and hearing from people with similar experience as well as maybe possibly helping others with the same. So here is my introduction post:

    So a little about me: I am a 26 year old girl from Texas that is currently working as a high school math teacher. I also have a 5 year old daughter and support my mother who moved in with me after my father passed away. I describe myself as a geek. I am an very active gamer (it's how I met my SO, through mutual gaming friends). I am definitely a homebody who doesn't do well going out or being in public. So staying in, watching movies, playing games, and being on the internet is pretty much all I do.

    So...that's me. Nice to meet you all ^^

    Met online: 04.19.14
    Became a couple: 04.23.14
    First Visit: 08.09.14-08.15.14
    Second Visit: 12.17.14-12.28.14
    Third Visit: 02.13.15-02.15.15
    Fourth Visit: 04.03.15-04.06.15
    CLOSED THE DISTANCE/GOT MARRIED: 06.22.15/06.27.15

    Hello! =)
    I think all of us can understand the feeling of being with someone who makes you incredibly happy. I know I do.
    Yes, it definetly is tough being in a relationship with someone in the military, even if it is long distance in the first place. My SO has been overseas for two weeks now. And going from taking to someone EVERY day to barely at all, it's difficult I know.=/

    Anywho, welcome to the forum!
    P.s. if you need someone to talk to, I'm ALWAYS up for a good chat =)
    "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


      Thank you very much! And I will definitely be hitting you up for a chat. ^^

      Met online: 04.19.14
      Became a couple: 04.23.14
      First Visit: 08.09.14-08.15.14
      Second Visit: 12.17.14-12.28.14
      Third Visit: 02.13.15-02.15.15
      Fourth Visit: 04.03.15-04.06.15
      CLOSED THE DISTANCE/GOT MARRIED: 06.22.15/06.27.15

