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Sup classy ladies and gents,

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    Sup classy ladies and gents,

    Hello! My name is Tristan. I'm currently twenty and I reside in Ohio! I founded a gaming community that has turned out to be pretty darn popular and it also introduced me to the person I'm now currently in a LD relationship with. (Every time I type LD, I think learning disorder for some reason. Sorry. ADHD and no filter. MOVING ON.) He messaged me on Xbox to ask me a few questions, xbox turned to kik, and neither of us have shut up since! NOW. I've been a gamer my whole life. PC and console. Never have I been in a long distance relationship (really don't wanna use LD right now lol). I was seeking a bit of guidance and advice on google and I came across these lovely forums! I am absolutely shocked about how many people have had very successful relationships despite the distance. It really gives me hope!

    My SO (lurked so many threads I'm hip to most terminology on here) currently stays in California and is a Marine. He's almost out soon but then he will be in Florida! Honestly, holy crap am I amazed about how many emotions can form for someone I have never even met. I know I'll need a lot of guidance and advice since I am new to a relationship like this!

    I would also like to become friends with ALL of you, haha. You all inspire me. xD
    Anyways. I think I did this properly...the whole introducing myself thing.
    Oh yeah.
    I'm a manager at Subway and I love to hula hoop. Did I mention gaming? ;P

    Welcome to LFAD. it's nice to gain another military LDR.
    So, Hey!
    "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


      Right! We need to stick together on this journey!
      Man... Not gonna lie though...
      When he's wearing only half his uniform..
      I die a little inside.
      In a good way, of course.


        Originally posted by JuJu View Post
        Right! We need to stick together on this journey!
        Man... Not gonna lie though...
        When he's wearing only half his uniform..
        I die a little inside.
        In a good way, of course.
        And a tough journey it is xP
        Haha yeah, I won't lie...the uniform does emphasize his attractiveness. ;D
        How long have you two been together? nvm...I just looked at your profile haha
        Last edited by Unconditional; May 21, 2014, 10:05 PM. Reason: mistake made
        "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


          Hi Tristan, welcome to LFAD! Glad to have you here.

          I'm a gamer too


            Originally posted by Unconditional View Post
            And a tough journey it is xP
            Haha yeah, I won't lie...the uniform does emphasize his attractiveness. ;D
            How long have you two been together? nvm...I just looked at your profile haha
            A month. But this whole time I've been so weary about something long distance. Until I found this and saw people actually make it through. I told him about it and he thinks I'm cheesy for signing up but oh well. xD

            2Lori: Are you console or PC?


              Originally posted by JuJu View Post
              A month. But this whole time I've been so weary about something long distance. Until I found this and saw people actually make it through. I told him about it and he thinks I'm cheesy for signing up but oh well. xD
              lol I haven't told my SO that I've signed up for this site, not yet anyways.
              But yes, this site is just lovely! To meet so many people who have been in your shoes, and survived through it all, despite the challenges. It's just like a little world of optimism in a world of pessimism.
              "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


                Welcome to LFAD!


                  Originally posted by JuJu View Post
                  A month. But this whole time I've been so weary about something long distance. Until I found this and saw people actually make it through. I told him about it and he thinks I'm cheesy for signing up but oh well. xD

                  2Lori: Are you console or PC?
                  Console~ I wouldn't consider myself a hardcore gamer, but I prefer the vintage stuff to current things. Also, I'm a huuuuuge Pokémon fan


                    Console~ I wouldn't consider myself a hardcore gamer, but I prefer the vintage stuff to current things. Also, I'm a huuuuuge Pokémon fan
                    ever fool around on xbox360? i'm always down to play!

                    2Lilly: Thanks!

                    Unconditional: I know I absolutely love it.

