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Hi new LDR friends! Anyone else dating an Afrikaner?

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    Hi new LDR friends! Anyone else dating an Afrikaner?

    I'm excited to find this forum. I'm a pilot, and I am now on my second LDR with a pilot. This one is a real challenge because he lives in South Africa, and works in another African country. My last BF of 3 years at least lived in the states, but I saw him only a few times a year to do finances and schedule.

    I would love to find other women with Afrikaans boyfriends. This distance is hard, but he's worth it (we've been friends many years, recently decided to make this real). We are equally yoked in all the major things like religion, previous hurt and trauma, children, and career. The next 3 months will be hard, due to problems with a flying job, he is unable to come here and stuck with contract work and no break. I dont have the money to fly there and neither does he at this time. But after August, we should be back to our 5 on/5 off work schedule and time together.

    I'm hoping to find new friends, find emotional support thru this time and distance, and learn some new ways for us to enjoy each other from afar. I'm very excited.

    Don't you just love the Afrikaans language? It sounds so friendly! I worked in a pharmacy that has pharmacists from South Africa and a lot of our patients talk to the pharmacist in Afrikaans. Have you thought about learning?



      Ive been studying on an off for years. I have many SA friends. Such a simple and beautiful language. I can sort of read it, and I can greet my friends online, but I definitely am better with German than Afrikaans. I would love to speak Afrikaans with my boyfriend. It is his native language. He learned english in grammar school.

      Your SO lives in Bend? I live 3 hours from there. Been there many times. :-)


        Welcome to LFAD!


          Welcome to LFAD I'm sure you'll find the support you need here.


            Welcome! Nope, I'm not dating anyone from Africa, but whenever I see a new member over 40, I make it a point to say "Hi!", there are very few of us here
            Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


              Hi there and welcome to LFAD!

              I can't say that I'm dating an Afrikaner, but South Africa is certainly a very cool country


                Originally posted by ittybittypilot View Post
                Your SO lives in Bend? I live 3 hours from there. Been there many times. :-)
                Yes, he does. I am currently in Bend on a visit. In a couple of days, we are going to do a road trip around Oregon, then I will have to go back home


                  Originally posted by Emilia View Post
                  Yes, he does. I am currently in Bend on a visit. In a couple of days, we are going to do a road trip around Oregon, then I will have to go back home
                  You should come to McMinnville and our historic wine country. Beautiful, friendly, five-star restaurants, and laid back living.


                    Originally posted by Moon View Post
                    Welcome! Nope, I'm not dating anyone from Africa, but whenever I see a new member over 40, I make it a point to say "Hi!", there are very few of us here
                    Thank you! I've noticed most of the users are very, VERY young. Thank you. I'm twice divorced, seen it all, done it all....and this LDR is so far much easier and far more rewarding than any relationship I've been thru.

