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    Hi all,

    It is nice to see so many couples making it work long distance.

    I am in a long distance relationship with a lovely young man from Kenya. We met while I was on a group over-landing holiday in East Africa and had an almost instant connection, although at the time I thought it would be nothing more than a mere harmless flirtation. I was pretty reluctant to go into any form of relationship of any kind as my last one left me in a very bad way, and I had been enjoying my couple of years of single life immensely. However, I couldn't stop thinking about him and we couldn't stay away from each other, I found myself promising to return to Kenya very soon but without the tourism attached. I had my doubts about it all when I got back home, but a mixture of curiosity and bravery killed the cat and on Christmas day I was back on a plane to Kenya to see him again. I'm so glad I did, as he is a genuinely lovely person.

    We are currently in the visa application process for him to come and visit me for 2-3 weeks in August. He has made his mind up on where he wants the relationship wants to go, he has already asked me to marry him! I have insisted that I won't even consider marriage until we have spent more time physically together, and until he has managed to see what my life is like here. We lead completely different lives, his rural village and lifestyle in Western Kenya couldn't be any more different than the life I lead here. To his credit, he agrees that I am right and that there are a lot of things to consider besides how we feel about one another. Sometimes love isn't enough, but I sincerely hope that in this case it will be. For the moment we are happy to take things one step at a time, and just enjoy.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all, it will be nice to have a community of like minded people to turn to in times of joy and times of pain

    Hi there and welcome to LFAD! Thanks for joining


      Welcome to LFAD Hope things work out well for you two.


        Welcome to the forums!


          welcome to LFAD! =)
          Wishing you two the best!
          "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


            Thank you all

            It's also nice to see another Europe/Africa couple abna1!


              Welcome to LFAD




                  Originally posted by GuineaPunk View Post
                  It's also nice to see another Europe/Africa couple abna1!
                  It is Hope you'll have good news concerning the visa soon.

