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    Hello everybody!

    Hi there!
    My name is Lottie, I first found this website through Autostraddle after reading one of their articles on LDR's and I remember how happy I was to find a community of people in the same boat as my girlfriend and I. I was pretty shy about joining but Pip (my girlfriend) suggested that I might find the forums fun, so here I am!

    Pip and I met one another through Tumblr at the beginning of 2014, through a shared love of the TV show Supernatural. I remember feeling very clearly on New Year's Eve of last year that something amazing and wonderful was going to happen in 2014, I'd gotten out of an unhealthy relationship that year and I was finally figuring myself out (I was with a guy, I'd been trying to fight the fact that I wanted to be with a girl for a long time because I was afraid to end things, and I finally admitted to myself and my ex what I wanted and we ended things amicably).
    I moved back to my hometown and was able to make a fresh start, I decided to make a Tumblr where I could join in with a fandom I'd always wanted to be a part of, but I was nervous that nobody would want to be friends with me. I had no idea that I'd meet such amazing people through that blog, and my love. We started talking through little messages here and there and after we both posted pictures of ourselves we both developed huge crushes on one another, without the other even knowing it! We bonded first over SPN, and then over our shared love of the book Good Omens and the video game Mass Effect, and Pip reached out to help me when I began having issues with a guy at work which had brought up other issues from my past. I felt a really strong connection with her from the very beginning, and we began talking more and more. I remember sitting at my computer waiting for the little number '1' to pop up over my inbox, my hands would be shaking as I raced to get to it, knowing it was her. The moment we realized that we'd fallen in love was when we were discussing space, and we described our love and awe for it in the same way.
    We talked for a few months, completely head over heels for one another, and although neither of us had been in a LDR in that way before we decided that we wanted to be together. I still remember her telling me 'I'd like to try being Trans-atlantic girlfriends'. We moved from talking just on Tumblr to also making videos for eachother on Youtube and using Voxer so that we could hear each other's voice, and then we had a Skype date. Pip didn't have a computer (actually still doesn't but we're working on it!) so she had to borrow a friends to Skype with me.
    I'm constantly amazed that I could find somebody so incredibly perfect for me, it feels as though she was waiting for me to realize and accept what I really wanted in my life, to accept myself, and then she walked in, took my breath away and captured my heart completely.

    It didn't take long for us to start discussing the idea of visiting one another, and we quickly settled on me visiting her in America first. I saved up everything I could and then in May I made the flight over to her in Arkansas, just over 2 weeks ago. Being with her was better than any dream I've ever had, and seeing her walk towards me for the first time and take me in her arms felt so incredibly right. I had the best time of my life with her and I never wanted to leave, however I returned to England on Saturday.
    We'd timed my visit a little strangely because she was leaving on a family holiday at sea two days afterwards, and she left this evening for a week. It was so strange to get back to England after being with her, and I was scared about going from being together to suddenly being unable to talk regularly for the first time since we first began talking. Pip suggested that now would be a good time for me to introduce myself here so that I could talk to others in our situation and get support for when I'm feeling sad and low without her, which I thought was a really wonderful idea. This week is going to be really challenging, but I got to Skype with her this evening before she left and I know she'll be back with me again real soon. We're already planning the next visit, which will be her visiting me in September, and I'm so, so excited. Then after that we're planning for me to fly out to her again in January to spend my 25th birthday with her.

    I'm really glad to have found a place where everybody seems so lovely and welcoming and I'm looking forward to becoming an active member here.
    Met Online: January 2014
    Started Dating: March 18th 2014
    First Meeting: 24/05/2014 - 06/06/2014
    Second Meeting: Planning for 06/09/2014

    Welcome to LFAD!


      Hello and welcome to LFAD!!
      My GF and I also met through our love for a TV Show!

      "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
      Married April 18th, 2015!!
      Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!


        My GF and I also met through our love for a TV Show!
        Ahh I love when that happens! What TV show was that?

        Welcome, I grew up in Green Hammerton near Knaresborough! My Dad still lives in Knaresborough now and I'm just down the road near Leeds
        Such a small world! Hi! It's so great to meet somebody so close by. Thank you for the welcome
        Met Online: January 2014
        Started Dating: March 18th 2014
        First Meeting: 24/05/2014 - 06/06/2014
        Second Meeting: Planning for 06/09/2014


          Originally posted by LottieLove View Post
          Ahh I love when that happens! What TV show was that?

          Such a small world! Hi! It's so great to meet somebody so close by. Thank you for the welcome
          It is bizarre to find someone else here from the land of bed races and witches caves!


            Originally posted by 80anthea View Post
            It is bizarre to find someone else here from the land of bed races and witches caves!
            aaaaand you just reminded me to tell my girlfriend about the Bed Race It IS strange to meet somebody here who understands that sentence ahahaha
            Met Online: January 2014
            Started Dating: March 18th 2014
            First Meeting: 24/05/2014 - 06/06/2014
            Second Meeting: Planning for 06/09/2014


              Welcome and hi!
              My girlfriend and I are also a UK/US couple who met on tumblr. she's from PA and I'm from Scotland and we met for the first time 2 weeks ago :3
              (Also spn is like our favourite show ever too!)
              my girls <3

              Josie (SO)
              Met online ~ 17th August 2017 ~
              Met in person ~ 30th August 2017 ~
              Became official ~ 15th September 2017 ~
              Closed the distance and moved in together! ~ 18th June 2018 ~

              Met online ~ 21st November 2018 ~
              Met in person ~ 26th November 2018 ~
              Became official ~ 4th December 2018 ~
              All moved in together! ~ 30th May 2019 ~


                Originally posted by kittyxuchiha11 View Post
                Welcome and hi!
                My girlfriend and I are also a UK/US couple who met on tumblr. she's from PA and I'm from Scotland and we met for the first time 2 weeks ago :3
                (Also spn is like our favourite show ever too!)
                I remember seeing you post in another thread, I think it was a 'how did you meet?' one and being amazed at the similarities between our situations! That we both met them on Tumblr, we're both the UK half of the equation, and now even that we met for the first time so close to one another and we're both SPN fan couples. I actually wanted to say hi to you in that post but I was shy so I'm really glad you came and said hello to me here.
                Did you go to America or did she come here? Ahh now I wanna share first meeting stories ahaha u///u
                Met Online: January 2014
                Started Dating: March 18th 2014
                First Meeting: 24/05/2014 - 06/06/2014
                Second Meeting: Planning for 06/09/2014


                  aw you're so sweet :3
                  but yeah it's kind of cool that we both met our SO on tumblr and are both in the UK (except to be honest I've never heard of your town but i am pretty horrible at geography haha)
                  And to answer your question, I went over to America to see her (It's quite a long flight omg) She wants to come visit me but everything is really expensive in dollars and she has a pretty over protective family who aren't too keen on the idea of her traveling for like 11 hours at least. I might possibly be going over there again for new year (and her as well birthday since it's new year) because we actually found a flight that was sort of affordable, well as affordable as flights to the US can be.
                  Sorry i ramble on way too much but yes you seem lovely :3
                  my girls <3

                  Josie (SO)
                  Met online ~ 17th August 2017 ~
                  Met in person ~ 30th August 2017 ~
                  Became official ~ 15th September 2017 ~
                  Closed the distance and moved in together! ~ 18th June 2018 ~

                  Met online ~ 21st November 2018 ~
                  Met in person ~ 26th November 2018 ~
                  Became official ~ 4th December 2018 ~
                  All moved in together! ~ 30th May 2019 ~


                    Originally posted by kittyxuchiha11 View Post
                    aw you're so sweet :3
                    but yeah it's kind of cool that we both met our SO on tumblr and are both in the UK (except to be honest I've never heard of your town but i am pretty horrible at geography haha)
                    And to answer your question, I went over to America to see her (It's quite a long flight omg) She wants to come visit me but everything is really expensive in dollars and she has a pretty over protective family who aren't too keen on the idea of her traveling for like 11 hours at least. I might possibly be going over there again for new year (and her as well birthday since it's new year) because we actually found a flight that was sort of affordable, well as affordable as flights to the US can be.
                    Sorry i ramble on way too much but yes you seem lovely :3
                    It is a hell of a flight isn't it? I went over to America as well, it was my first time ever flying alone and only the 2nd longhaul flight I'd ever done, it was so surreal to be sitting on that plane by myself, knowing that I was flying to see her for the first time. I'm really glad I did it though, I found it not as difficult as I'd imagined because of having a layover, and I was really proud of myself for navigating the airports and getting myself there. My girlfriend is planning to come here in September, she's done the flight to England before but never on her own, but having done it myself I know it's a lot less scary than I'd thought it would be, in a weird way I'm actually excited for the next time it's me getting on a plane to go to her! I'm planning to go back to the US again in the New Year as well, my birthday is January 4th so I'm hoping to fly out and land on the 3rd so we can spend my birthday together, I'll have to check out the flights for January, that sounds promising that you found an affordable one! Who did you go with, if you don't mind me asking? I went with United last time.
                    Met Online: January 2014
                    Started Dating: March 18th 2014
                    First Meeting: 24/05/2014 - 06/06/2014
                    Second Meeting: Planning for 06/09/2014


                      I went with united last time as well! (it was my first time flying alone as well) that's kinda cool that we went with the same airline haha. but for the flight for new year-ish time would be leaving the 30th dec and coming back either the 14th jan or the 20th (it's the same price for either of those dates coming back and we haven't decided how long we want this trip to be/if we're allowed to spend that long together) and it's with KLM for. It's the best price i've ever seen and i'm really hoping I can see her then because it would be really amazing to see her and it's an amazing deal :3
                      my girls <3

                      Josie (SO)
                      Met online ~ 17th August 2017 ~
                      Met in person ~ 30th August 2017 ~
                      Became official ~ 15th September 2017 ~
                      Closed the distance and moved in together! ~ 18th June 2018 ~

                      Met online ~ 21st November 2018 ~
                      Met in person ~ 26th November 2018 ~
                      Became official ~ 4th December 2018 ~
                      All moved in together! ~ 30th May 2019 ~


                        Originally posted by kittyxuchiha11 View Post
                        I went with united last time as well! (it was my first time flying alone as well) that's kinda cool that we went with the same airline haha. but for the flight for new year-ish time would be leaving the 30th dec and coming back either the 14th jan or the 20th (it's the same price for either of those dates coming back and we haven't decided how long we want this trip to be/if we're allowed to spend that long together) and it's with KLM for. It's the best price i've ever seen and i'm really hoping I can see her then because it would be really amazing to see her and it's an amazing deal :3
                        I'm crossing my fingers for you that you'll be able to do that then!
                        Met Online: January 2014
                        Started Dating: March 18th 2014
                        First Meeting: 24/05/2014 - 06/06/2014
                        Second Meeting: Planning for 06/09/2014

