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    Hello there! I've never been very good at introductions so please bear with me.

    I'm Molly, and I recently entered a LDR with a dear sweet boy who I met online.

    My boy, Addison, and I are both in the States - but on opposite coasts (I'm on the west coast and he's on the east coast). We have both have had a talk and we are determined to make this work.

    I can't leave where I am as I'm a year away from finishing my undergrad (and I've put too much time into my schooling to stop now) and the program I am in is specialized so I am stuck here for at least another year on the west coast.

    I came across this site when looking for help with getting through this - to find tips to try to make it easier and to keep things working.

    We both know it won't be easy but we are determined to make this work.

    Yes, we're definitely determined to make this work <3
    There's something special about us and it just feels right to me!
    And I do enjoy that all of her friends like me and I'm happy for that.

    Distance doesn't matter to me because,
    I know that in the end, when we finally close distance and meet face to face... IT WILL BE ALL WORTH IT <3
    So hang tight for me, Princess, we'll fight through this <3


      Originally posted by nemolove_22 View Post
      Hello there! I've never been very good at introductions so please bear with me.

      I'm Molly, and I recently entered a LDR with a dear sweet boy who I met online.

      My boy, Addison, and I are both in the States - but on opposite coasts (I'm on the west coast and he's on the east coast). We have both have had a talk and we are determined to make this work.

      I can't leave where I am as I'm a year away from finishing my undergrad (and I've put too much time into my schooling to stop now) and the program I am in is specialized so I am stuck here for at least another year on the west coast.

      I came across this site when looking for help with getting through this - to find tips to try to make it easier and to keep things working.

      We both know it won't be easy but we are determined to make this work.
      Originally posted by MrAddison View Post
      Yes, we're definitely determined to make this work <3
      There's something special about us and it just feels right to me!
      And I do enjoy that all of her friends like me and I'm happy for that.

      Distance doesn't matter to me because,
      I know that in the end, when we finally close distance and meet face to face... IT WILL BE ALL WORTH IT <3
      So hang tight for me, Princess, we'll fight through this <3
      Welcome to LFAD! Can I just say how adorable you two are? So cute!

      I have no doubt that you two will find a way to make things work. LDRs are really difficult, especially when different time zones are involved. It's difficult to make time for each at times, but I think it's essential to put that other person first because they're so important to you.

      Facebook and Skype are wonderful tools to keep in constant contact. My SO and I recently discovered Couple which is an app specifically designed for couples in LDRs and has some cool features like thumb kisses and drawing pictures together. Also, playing games and watching videos through websites like Sync-Video, which syncs up Youtube videos so it's like being in the same room as your SO, are very helpful for keeping that connection. We're starting a game that has been suggested on LFAD called Freeze, where one person randomly messages the other "freeze" and that person has to take a picture of whatever they're doing at that moment. I think it's a great idea to help you gain insight on each other's daily lives, and also helps you feel more connected.

      LDRs do have their difficulties, but are sooo worth it when you have someone who loves you and accepts you for exactly who you are.

      Welcome again to the forum! It's an awesome community with tons of insight, experience, and advice. Everyone on here is so welcoming and helpful. You definitely made the right choice in joining.

      "I'll hold you in my heart til I can hold you in my arms."

      Met Online: January 5th 2014
      Started dating: January 19th 2014
      My visit to Scotland: May 10th-14th 2014
      His visit to the US: November 2014


        Originally posted by nemolove_22 View Post
        I can't leave where I am as I'm a year away from finishing my undergrad (and I've put too much time into my schooling to stop now) and the program I am in is specialized so I am stuck here for at least another year on the west coast.

        I came across this site when looking for help with getting through this - to find tips to try to make it easier and to keep things working.

        We both know it won't be easy but we are determined to make this work.
        Don't stop! I'll be over with before you know and you'll be so much happier for it

        You've come to a great resource here. Having the will is half the battle. I hope you find what you need here. Welcome!
        "Sometimes you just have to let art flow over you."


          Thank you for the posts =)

          Originally posted by MyHeartsInScotland View Post
          Welcome to LFAD! Can I just say how adorable you two are? So cute!

          I have no doubt that you two will find a way to make things work. LDRs are really difficult, especially when different time zones are involved. It's difficult to make time for each at times, but I think it's essential to put that other person first because they're so important to you.

          Facebook and Skype are wonderful tools to keep in constant contact. My SO and I recently discovered Couple which is an app specifically designed for couples in LDRs and has some cool features like thumb kisses and drawing pictures together. Also, playing games and watching videos through websites like Sync-Video, which syncs up Youtube videos so it's like being in the same room as your SO, are very helpful for keeping that connection. We're starting a game that has been suggested on LFAD called Freeze, where one person randomly messages the other "freeze" and that person has to take a picture of whatever they're doing at that moment. I think it's a great idea to help you gain insight on each other's daily lives, and also helps you feel more connected.

          LDRs do have their difficulties, but are sooo worth it when you have someone who loves you and accepts you for exactly who you are.

          Welcome again to the forum! It's an awesome community with tons of insight, experience, and advice. Everyone on here is so welcoming and helpful. You definitely made the right choice in joining.
          Hehe, we are definitely adorable, aren't we? <3

          I have no doubt about it either and I'm really happy she's the one who found this site <3 The amazing things you can find in your life sometimes, hm? :3
          She's really important to me now and I want to her that I'll do my utmost best to find time for her even with my busy schedule. (When I do get a busy schedule which is soon)

          We have been using Facebook, which is definitely an awesome tool. I've met some of her friends and we even did group chats! I really loved that <3
          Oh wow, really? Thank you for mentioning the Couple App =) This looks really amazing I have it on my Android Phone (Google Play Store) but let's see if she has it on hers <3
          I never thought of that, Sync-Video <3 I wonder if you can, somewhere, sync TV Shows and Movies as well? =)
          Freeze does sound like a fun game and I have a feeling that us 2 are going to take advantage of this XD
          But what if, I was driving, or in school, or at a meeting, and she texts freeze and I can't get to my phone right now? XD haha.

          I definitely know that we accept each other for who we are and are very happy being together =)
          I really do hope this works out though, get through many ups and downs (The busy schedule between us 2) and fight this difficult battle =)

          I'm glad my baby found this site and we've both joined for these insights, experiences, and advice.
          I'm also glad for a welcoming, helpful, and friendly community. This will definitely be a great site to come too =)


          I will never stop and I'll never give up with my princess <3
          I'll stick to her always <3

          I'm sure we'll find all that we need here. We've found other things outside this site as well =)


            MyHeartsInScotland: I had my best friend tell us that as well!

            Yeah, and once I get back into school my life will get crazier. But we can figure out how to make time for each other.
            Oh, as Addi said, we'll definitely check out Couple! That does seem like a great app!! Darn my parents for not having wifi ((I have decent internet at school though - and I'm there for about 9 months of the year)), and having to wait to download it as I don't have enough data right now. But it's definitely something we'll be checking out!
            Freeze sounds wonderful as well! Don't need to twist my arm to take pictures! *chuckles*

            Thank you for the welcome!! It really does seem like a great place!

            merlinkitty: Oh, I don't plan to - We'll show it who's boss. :]

            Thank you! I'm sure that we will!

            Addi: I'm in this with you for the long haul, baby. :]
            You are important to me as well - my busy schedule comes in about 2 months when I move back down to school.
            We will find things that help make this work. <3


              Congratulations on the relationship, and welcome to LFAD! =)
              "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


                Thank you very much Unconditional =)

                Nemolove: I'm in this with you for the long haul too baby :] We have something special together <3
                My busy schedule should be coming in soon as well. Then after all that studying, finding a new job as a Patient Care Technician and making money! (For us both of course <3)
                We'll find all sorts of things for each other to make this work <3 I'll be happy to send you videos of me that make you smile when you get to your phone =)


                  Unconditional: Thank you!

                  MrAddison: We'll find time for one another despite busy schedules that are soon to come.


                    Welcome to LFAD!


                      Originally posted by Lilly9886 View Post
                      Welcome to LFAD!
                      Thank you for the welcome!!


                        Welcome and good luck with your new relationship! Seems to be off to a great start ^^

                        Met online: 04.19.14
                        Became a couple: 04.23.14
                        First Visit: 08.09.14-08.15.14
                        Second Visit: 12.17.14-12.28.14
                        Third Visit: 02.13.15-02.15.15
                        Fourth Visit: 04.03.15-04.06.15
                        CLOSED THE DISTANCE/GOT MARRIED: 06.22.15/06.27.15


                          Originally posted by Noodle View Post
                          Welcome and good luck with your new relationship! Seems to be off to a great start ^^
                          Thank you!!
                          It really is.


                            Welcome to LFAD, Molly and Addison


                              Originally posted by abna1 View Post
                              Welcome to LFAD, Molly and Addison
                              Thank you for the warm welcome!!

